Chapter thirty
“And what makes you think we’re interested?” It was actually Ben and not Derek who said it “Do you know what we had to go thru, first with your death and then settling everything with aunt Louise’s estate” “I know you probably don’t believe me, but I really am sorry about that” she took a deep breath “Have you gotten the deeds for the house back yet?” Fiona asked “No” Ben answered and saw Meg getting up “This was in the mail today” she took what looked like a legal envelope from the side table at the door. “Ben, before you open it, there’s something I need to tell you” Ben’s eyes got darker, he suspected what was coming and didn’t like it at all “Don’t tell us that you first put us thru all what we’ve talked about and now you bought the estate yourself?” he threw the papers down in front of Derek “You can deal with this, I’m out of here” Ben grabbed his keys and walked out the front door. “Ben! Please don’t go” Fiona got up and just managed to grab his arm before he walked out “Ben, we need to talk about this. I know it’s my fault” furious Ben turned around “Yes you’re right about that, but I’m not interested” he shook himself loose and left. Meg who was still standing walked over to Fiona “I think we need to let him cool down” They sat down again and while Derek opened the papers Del told them that it actually was he who had bought the estate as a wedding present for Fiona.
Ben was in a foul mood when he reached the Deep, he unlocked the door and went inside and straight to his office. He took out a bottle of whiskey and a glass and sat down at his desk. It was a long time ago he had wanted to solve a problem with a glass of whiskey. He poured a glass but let it stand on the table in front of him. He was so frustrated that he didn’t know what to do. He left the office and went downstairs into the wine cellar but not even there he could find any peace. Although he stayed there, with his whiskey glass still untouched and Meg found him there an hour after he had stormed out of the house. “Can we talk?” Meg stood in the door and Ben looked up shrugging his shoulders “There’s not anything to talk about” “Oh yes Ben there is” she walked down the few steps “I agree it wasn’t fair of Fiona to do all of this, but you didn’t stay around to hear about how Del did everything to get the estate as a wedding present for your mother” Ben shook his head “I don’t think I ever will be able to forgive them for that, or for keeping Annie away for all those years. I mean I’ve not seen my father since I was 10” Meg sat down next to him “But you have to understand Fiona too, she didn’t want to put Annie thru what you both had to go thru and Annie not being your father’s child probably would have made it even worse” “Meg, it’s not that I don’t understand. I’m just so hurt by her behavior” he reached for the glass but just held it “Have you had many of those” Meg nodded towards the glass “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, this is the first one and I’m not having this one” he said stood up and threw the glass in the wall “Ben!” he stood with his back to Meg “Meg, just go and let me be” she took a step closer “I’m warning you Meg. I’m no good company like this” she took another step and one more and was just behind him. She put her arms around his waist “Ben, I’m not going anywhere, I’m here for you. You should know that by now” Ben turned around and took her by her shoulders “Meg, I’m not used to this, to people, women especially to be caring about me like you do” Meg stood on her tiptoes and reached for his face “But I am here and I care so just get used to it” then she kissed him. The kiss grew deeper and hotter and if it hadn’t been for Mark coming downstairs to fill up the bar who know where it may have led.
The day before Fiona, Del and Annie was about to leave they were all gathered at Ben and Meg’s for dinner. Joan had come too for the weekend. Sarah and Derek had had their baby-girl just a few days ago, about two week’s early. Everyone was cooing over her where she was laying in her pram, according to Sarah, finally sleeping. “Have you decided on a name yet?” it was Joan who asked as they sat down to eat. Sarah shook her head “No” “No?” Ben said and looked at his brother “You have made all other decisions this past year quickly” he was teasing them. “Well, I want to name her Louise after our aunt, but Sarah don’t” Sarah gave him a look “Would you like your family to see your daughter and think of an old aunt, I don’t really think so” Joan put a hand on Sarah’s “Take your time, a name isn’t easy to come up with” Sarah smiled at her mother “How did you and dad decide?” “Well it wasn’t easy, we had many suggestions brought to us and then we came up with a few ourselves, especially for you Sarah, I don’t really remember why we decided on Sarah, but when it came up we felt it suited you so we decided on it” “I remember” Fiona started “That it was hard to come up with names for the boys, but Annie I knew at once I wanted my baby girl to be named” she looked around. “So Annie, what will you do when you get back?” Meg asked “I’m not sure yet, the best would be to find a job” she had been at the Deep almost every evening so Meg had gotten to know her pretty well “If you don’t find anything come here, there must be something for you at the hotel and you can get to know your brothers a bit more” Annie smiled at her “You’re too kind Meg, I might take you up on that offer” “And you don’t have to worry about where to live, there’s always room at Surf Central” “That’s where Casey and some of the other lifeguards are staying too isn’t it?” “Yes, Casey is kind of looking after the house for us” Meg said “Maybe we could put you up here in the spare-room if you come” Ben suggested and Meg saw he had that protective look in his eyes. Annie had at least gotten under his skin in a good way, it was really his mother he was crossed with. “Don’t you listen to Ben, of course you’re welcome to stay here, but Casey is one of the good guys and I trust him completely” “I’ll see what I’ll do” Annie made half a promise to come back soon. The rest of dinner went on and before everyone knew it, it was time for the Douglas to leave. Joan left with Sarah and Derek, she had been staying there to help out a bit. She too soon had to leave but wanted to spend as much time as possible with her granddaughter but before she was going back to Kansas she was to go with Meg to LA to look at wedding dresses.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Starting over Chapter 29
Chapter twenty nine
Ben pulled the woman by her arm into the kitchen and before the door had closed he looked furiously at her “What are you doing here? You died” the woman looked at him “I’m sorry Ben, I didn’t…” “You didn’t what?” he couldn’t believe his eyes. Derek entered the kitchen “Hey Ben, Mark said you wanted to see me” the woman turned around and looked at her other son “You, what are you doing here, we buried you” Derek was just as furious as Ben “I can explain” Fiona looked at her boys “I surely hope so” said Ben “Can I sit?” Fiona nodded towards the stools at the kitchen island “I guess” Ben shrugged his shoulders “Why now, why today?” Derek asked but just as she was going to answer Meg and Sarah came thru the door. “What are you up to?” Meg asked “The party is not in here” Sarah added before the both looked at Fiona. They had seen old photos “Is this…?” Meg looked at Ben “Isn’t she dead?” was Sarah’s question as she took Derek’s hand. “Yes and apparently not” Ben answered both questions “This really isn’t the time or place” Ben said as he didn’t trust Derek who usually wasn’t as diplomatic. Fiona looked at Meg and Sarah “You must be the Cummings’ sisters who owns the hotel” Meg extended her hand “I’m Meg Cummings, this is my sister Sarah” she looked at Sarah who too shook the woman’s hand “Sarah Evans” she said full of self-confidence as she felt Derek’s hand on the small of her back “Sarah’s my wife” Derek explained with both pride and hurt in his voice “I’m Fiona Douglas” the woman introduced herself “As you’ve guessed I’m Ben and Derek’s mother” she looked again at her sons and got tears in her eyes “I know you probably will have a hard time to forgive me, but I want to tell it all to you. To the four of you” she looked at Meg and Sarah “I know you’re engaged to my Ben Meg” she said and looked then at Sarah “But that I was going to be a grandmother my contacts didn’t tell me” Everyone was silent “if you all let me” she added “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” Meg suggested “I think we’re all let’s say a bit more than shocked” she looked around “Ok then, lunch here at one, I should be done at the hotel by then” Meg said and Fiona looked at them all “Is it ok that I bring my husband and daughter?” “Of course, the more the merrier” Derek said sarcastically.
Meg was the one who walked her to the door “I hope I didn’t ruin your evening, I would have waited if I knew you had a party” Meg smiled “That’s ok, it wasn’t easy for you to know. We’ll sort everything out tomorrow” she closed the door and went back to the kitchen where Ben and Derek were talking about their mother with angry voices. Sarah was trying to calm them down but hadn’t had much luck “Shall we go back to the party before the others start to wonder” Meg said and pushed Ben and Derek to the door as she looked over the shoulder and nodded towards the fridge for Sarah to take the cake out. The party went on but not as long as Meg had thought, maybe the guests too felt the tension both Ben and Derek carried. It was before midnight when Ben and Meg went to bed “Ben” Meg spoke softly to him “Please talk to me, tell me how you’re feeling” Ben sat up in bed and took her hands “Betrayed” was his first word “angry, disappointed and” he took a deep breath “so happy that you were there with me” Meg lent forward and kissed him softly “I’m always here for you, don’t ever forget that”. They talked a little more and then fell asleep close together.
The next morning Meg was at the hotel already at seven am. She had to catch the chef as soon as he arrived and ask him to prepare lunch for take away. Around nine a man in his early 60’s with red-ish hair came up to the reception disk “May I help you?” Meg asked “Yes please I’m in suite 434, Douglas, and we need some extra towels” Meg looked at the computer “Sure Mr Douglas, I’ve got the cleaning staff on that floor as we speak so it will be taken care of at once. Will you need it for the rest of you stay?” “That would be nice, both my wife and daughter uses a lot, hair, body… you know” Meg smiled “I understand. I will see to it that you get extras the full stay. Anything else I can help you with?” “No, thanks, that was all” Meg lifted the phone to informed the cleaners. When she sat back down she realized ‘Douglas… that must be Fiona’s husband… and the woman who called and book her daughter’.
Meg came home just in time to put the food on plates and reheat what needed to be reheated. Ben was nowhere to be found. She only hoped he’d be back in time. Quickly she set the table and then changed into a nice summer dress instead of her business suite, she was just walking down the stairs when the doorbell rang. When she opened it there was a woman her own age with red hair “Hi, is this Ben Evans’ place?” she said with a Scottish accent “Yes, who are you?” Meg didn’t really like surprises when she was rushed. “I’m Annie…Annie Douglas, my mother said to meet her and daddy here” Meg smiled “You’re Annie, come on in, I’m Meg” she stepped aside and showed Annie to the sitting area “Can I offer you something to drink” Meg walked towards the bar “Just some water please, I still feel the effects of flying” Annie answered “Jet lag isn’t very fun” Meg remembered back when she came to Sunset Beach after her vacation. “So, is my ‘brother’ around?” Annie asked and made quotes with her fingers. “Sorry, Ben’s not home yet, I hope he soon will be” Meg walked over to the table to fix some last minute settings. “So, how do you find Sunset Beach so far?” she asked “It seems like a nice city, I’ve found the cutest little shop just around the corner from the hotel” Annie said “Oh you did, that’s my friend Tina from Sweden who runs it. It’s mine and Sarah’s” “It is, I really liked it” “I will” Meg promised and went to open the door as the bell rang again, this time it was Fiona and her husband who Meg recognized from the morning “Meg, this is Del Douglas my husband” Fiona introduced “Nice to meet you again Mr Douglas, I would have introduced myself this morning if I’d known it was you” Del shook Meg’s hand “No worries Miss Cummings” Meg smiled “Please call me Meg” she looked over at Annie “All of you” Fiona looked around and saw the table “You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble Meg” “I didn’t, I brought it home from the hotel” she started to get worried, neither Ben nor Derek and Sarah had turned up yet “Will you excuse me while I make a phone call” she said and walked into the kitchen. She called next door, but there were no answer so she quickly called Sarah’s cell phone “We’re on the way” Sarah answered “I had a doctor’s appointment that I forgot to tell you about yesterday, we should be there in 10 minutes” “Good, can you ask Derek if he’s talked to Ben, I can’t seem to find him. He’s not answering any phones and Mark said he hadn’t been in at either the Java Web or his downstairs office” Meg heard Sarah ask Derek and the answer too. “Well hurry the two of you, the Douglas’ are already here” Meg hung up and went to her guests. “Derek and Sarah should be here in just a few minutes” Meg told them “Can I offer you two something to drink?” she looked at Fiona and Del “Not for me” Fiona said as Del shook his head. At that moment Ben came thru the terrace door, all sweaty from his run. “There you are” Meg looked at him a little disappointed “Our lunch guests have arrived” Ben saw his mother, a man and a woman just a few years younger than himself. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be back down” he said and took the stairs two steps a time.
Meg and Sarah did their best to keep the conversation going thru lunch. Ben and Derek were no help, they weren’t exactly sulking but they didn’t contribute with anything. When Meg had served the coffee she sat down and looked at Fiona “So, I’ve not know Ben and Derek for that long, but right now they’re just being plain stubborn. Of course you are all hurt here, but please Fiona can you tell us?” “Of course I can and will” she looked around the table, at her husband and daughter, both her sons and the women in their lives. “What I’m going to tell might shock you some, but some you will find you understand” this she said looking at Ben and Derek “I will start at the summer/early autumn where Ben and Derek just had turned 3. I was still married to their father and well it’s not secret he was an alcoholic” she took a deep breath “Do you remember that you spent a lot of time with aunt Louise?” “Vaguely” Ben answered. “Anyways, I was never truly happy in the marriage to your father, but I stayed for you both” she looked with sad eyes at her sons “I don’t know what would have happened to you otherwise. I asked for divorce once, but got to know that I’d never get to see you and I couldn’t bare that” Del put his hand on hers in support, he knew the full story. After a quick look at him Fiona continued “Well I met Del at a New Year’s Party and one thing lead to another. When I realized I was pregnant it was too late to do anything but carry on, so I let you boys stay with my aunt and left to stay with Del in Scotland. I had my baby in the end of September and it’s Annie” she smiled at her daughter, who knew some of the story but not all. Fiona took a zip of her water glass “I couldn’t keep Annie near me with you boys, I didn’t know what your father would do. So I let Annie grow up with Del and it broke my heart not to have all my children with me all the time” “But why did you fake your own death, didn’t you think it would hurt Derek and Ben” Sarah asked “Of course I knew they would be hurt and it took a really long time before I set my plans in action. You see, Albert, that’s their father was still alive and although we didn’t live together we were still married” she looked at Ben and Derek “You know he wasn’t around much and that I chose to live with aunt Louise when you both grew up and went to college and then here to the US” they both nodded “I knew you both could cope on your own, and I needed to be close to Annie” she held out her hand and Annie took it and nodded “Annie got cancer that I’m so happy that she’s now cured from and the easiest way to be with her was to ‘die’ in England and go live with Del and Annie in Scotland under a fake name. I was after all still married” “So, how come you’re here now?” Ben asked “Well, I got the news just a couple of months ago that your father had passed away. Was there anyone who contacted you both?” they shook their heads “When I heard Del and I returned to England and started sorting everything out and when I was ‘alive’ again we got married in Scotland and then we decided we needed to come here and talk to you both”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Ben pulled the woman by her arm into the kitchen and before the door had closed he looked furiously at her “What are you doing here? You died” the woman looked at him “I’m sorry Ben, I didn’t…” “You didn’t what?” he couldn’t believe his eyes. Derek entered the kitchen “Hey Ben, Mark said you wanted to see me” the woman turned around and looked at her other son “You, what are you doing here, we buried you” Derek was just as furious as Ben “I can explain” Fiona looked at her boys “I surely hope so” said Ben “Can I sit?” Fiona nodded towards the stools at the kitchen island “I guess” Ben shrugged his shoulders “Why now, why today?” Derek asked but just as she was going to answer Meg and Sarah came thru the door. “What are you up to?” Meg asked “The party is not in here” Sarah added before the both looked at Fiona. They had seen old photos “Is this…?” Meg looked at Ben “Isn’t she dead?” was Sarah’s question as she took Derek’s hand. “Yes and apparently not” Ben answered both questions “This really isn’t the time or place” Ben said as he didn’t trust Derek who usually wasn’t as diplomatic. Fiona looked at Meg and Sarah “You must be the Cummings’ sisters who owns the hotel” Meg extended her hand “I’m Meg Cummings, this is my sister Sarah” she looked at Sarah who too shook the woman’s hand “Sarah Evans” she said full of self-confidence as she felt Derek’s hand on the small of her back “Sarah’s my wife” Derek explained with both pride and hurt in his voice “I’m Fiona Douglas” the woman introduced herself “As you’ve guessed I’m Ben and Derek’s mother” she looked again at her sons and got tears in her eyes “I know you probably will have a hard time to forgive me, but I want to tell it all to you. To the four of you” she looked at Meg and Sarah “I know you’re engaged to my Ben Meg” she said and looked then at Sarah “But that I was going to be a grandmother my contacts didn’t tell me” Everyone was silent “if you all let me” she added “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” Meg suggested “I think we’re all let’s say a bit more than shocked” she looked around “Ok then, lunch here at one, I should be done at the hotel by then” Meg said and Fiona looked at them all “Is it ok that I bring my husband and daughter?” “Of course, the more the merrier” Derek said sarcastically.
Meg was the one who walked her to the door “I hope I didn’t ruin your evening, I would have waited if I knew you had a party” Meg smiled “That’s ok, it wasn’t easy for you to know. We’ll sort everything out tomorrow” she closed the door and went back to the kitchen where Ben and Derek were talking about their mother with angry voices. Sarah was trying to calm them down but hadn’t had much luck “Shall we go back to the party before the others start to wonder” Meg said and pushed Ben and Derek to the door as she looked over the shoulder and nodded towards the fridge for Sarah to take the cake out. The party went on but not as long as Meg had thought, maybe the guests too felt the tension both Ben and Derek carried. It was before midnight when Ben and Meg went to bed “Ben” Meg spoke softly to him “Please talk to me, tell me how you’re feeling” Ben sat up in bed and took her hands “Betrayed” was his first word “angry, disappointed and” he took a deep breath “so happy that you were there with me” Meg lent forward and kissed him softly “I’m always here for you, don’t ever forget that”. They talked a little more and then fell asleep close together.
The next morning Meg was at the hotel already at seven am. She had to catch the chef as soon as he arrived and ask him to prepare lunch for take away. Around nine a man in his early 60’s with red-ish hair came up to the reception disk “May I help you?” Meg asked “Yes please I’m in suite 434, Douglas, and we need some extra towels” Meg looked at the computer “Sure Mr Douglas, I’ve got the cleaning staff on that floor as we speak so it will be taken care of at once. Will you need it for the rest of you stay?” “That would be nice, both my wife and daughter uses a lot, hair, body… you know” Meg smiled “I understand. I will see to it that you get extras the full stay. Anything else I can help you with?” “No, thanks, that was all” Meg lifted the phone to informed the cleaners. When she sat back down she realized ‘Douglas… that must be Fiona’s husband… and the woman who called and book her daughter’.
Meg came home just in time to put the food on plates and reheat what needed to be reheated. Ben was nowhere to be found. She only hoped he’d be back in time. Quickly she set the table and then changed into a nice summer dress instead of her business suite, she was just walking down the stairs when the doorbell rang. When she opened it there was a woman her own age with red hair “Hi, is this Ben Evans’ place?” she said with a Scottish accent “Yes, who are you?” Meg didn’t really like surprises when she was rushed. “I’m Annie…Annie Douglas, my mother said to meet her and daddy here” Meg smiled “You’re Annie, come on in, I’m Meg” she stepped aside and showed Annie to the sitting area “Can I offer you something to drink” Meg walked towards the bar “Just some water please, I still feel the effects of flying” Annie answered “Jet lag isn’t very fun” Meg remembered back when she came to Sunset Beach after her vacation. “So, is my ‘brother’ around?” Annie asked and made quotes with her fingers. “Sorry, Ben’s not home yet, I hope he soon will be” Meg walked over to the table to fix some last minute settings. “So, how do you find Sunset Beach so far?” she asked “It seems like a nice city, I’ve found the cutest little shop just around the corner from the hotel” Annie said “Oh you did, that’s my friend Tina from Sweden who runs it. It’s mine and Sarah’s” “It is, I really liked it” “I will” Meg promised and went to open the door as the bell rang again, this time it was Fiona and her husband who Meg recognized from the morning “Meg, this is Del Douglas my husband” Fiona introduced “Nice to meet you again Mr Douglas, I would have introduced myself this morning if I’d known it was you” Del shook Meg’s hand “No worries Miss Cummings” Meg smiled “Please call me Meg” she looked over at Annie “All of you” Fiona looked around and saw the table “You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble Meg” “I didn’t, I brought it home from the hotel” she started to get worried, neither Ben nor Derek and Sarah had turned up yet “Will you excuse me while I make a phone call” she said and walked into the kitchen. She called next door, but there were no answer so she quickly called Sarah’s cell phone “We’re on the way” Sarah answered “I had a doctor’s appointment that I forgot to tell you about yesterday, we should be there in 10 minutes” “Good, can you ask Derek if he’s talked to Ben, I can’t seem to find him. He’s not answering any phones and Mark said he hadn’t been in at either the Java Web or his downstairs office” Meg heard Sarah ask Derek and the answer too. “Well hurry the two of you, the Douglas’ are already here” Meg hung up and went to her guests. “Derek and Sarah should be here in just a few minutes” Meg told them “Can I offer you two something to drink?” she looked at Fiona and Del “Not for me” Fiona said as Del shook his head. At that moment Ben came thru the terrace door, all sweaty from his run. “There you are” Meg looked at him a little disappointed “Our lunch guests have arrived” Ben saw his mother, a man and a woman just a few years younger than himself. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be back down” he said and took the stairs two steps a time.
Meg and Sarah did their best to keep the conversation going thru lunch. Ben and Derek were no help, they weren’t exactly sulking but they didn’t contribute with anything. When Meg had served the coffee she sat down and looked at Fiona “So, I’ve not know Ben and Derek for that long, but right now they’re just being plain stubborn. Of course you are all hurt here, but please Fiona can you tell us?” “Of course I can and will” she looked around the table, at her husband and daughter, both her sons and the women in their lives. “What I’m going to tell might shock you some, but some you will find you understand” this she said looking at Ben and Derek “I will start at the summer/early autumn where Ben and Derek just had turned 3. I was still married to their father and well it’s not secret he was an alcoholic” she took a deep breath “Do you remember that you spent a lot of time with aunt Louise?” “Vaguely” Ben answered. “Anyways, I was never truly happy in the marriage to your father, but I stayed for you both” she looked with sad eyes at her sons “I don’t know what would have happened to you otherwise. I asked for divorce once, but got to know that I’d never get to see you and I couldn’t bare that” Del put his hand on hers in support, he knew the full story. After a quick look at him Fiona continued “Well I met Del at a New Year’s Party and one thing lead to another. When I realized I was pregnant it was too late to do anything but carry on, so I let you boys stay with my aunt and left to stay with Del in Scotland. I had my baby in the end of September and it’s Annie” she smiled at her daughter, who knew some of the story but not all. Fiona took a zip of her water glass “I couldn’t keep Annie near me with you boys, I didn’t know what your father would do. So I let Annie grow up with Del and it broke my heart not to have all my children with me all the time” “But why did you fake your own death, didn’t you think it would hurt Derek and Ben” Sarah asked “Of course I knew they would be hurt and it took a really long time before I set my plans in action. You see, Albert, that’s their father was still alive and although we didn’t live together we were still married” she looked at Ben and Derek “You know he wasn’t around much and that I chose to live with aunt Louise when you both grew up and went to college and then here to the US” they both nodded “I knew you both could cope on your own, and I needed to be close to Annie” she held out her hand and Annie took it and nodded “Annie got cancer that I’m so happy that she’s now cured from and the easiest way to be with her was to ‘die’ in England and go live with Del and Annie in Scotland under a fake name. I was after all still married” “So, how come you’re here now?” Ben asked “Well, I got the news just a couple of months ago that your father had passed away. Was there anyone who contacted you both?” they shook their heads “When I heard Del and I returned to England and started sorting everything out and when I was ‘alive’ again we got married in Scotland and then we decided we needed to come here and talk to you both”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Starting over Chapter 28
Chapter twenty eight
Meg left her roses with her parents when she and Ben went back to Sunset Beach the following Tuesday. As much as she had been enjoying being ‘home’, she was happy to return. She longed to get back to work. “Something bothering you?” Ben asked “No” Meg shook her head “I just long to be home” Ben looked at her “Home in Sunset Beach of course” she smiled “I didn’t think I’d miss it that much” she said. “Meg” Ben took her hand “I have to say it or I’ll go crazy. I think we should talk when we get home. I’m not sure we got it all sorted Valentine’s day” she shrugged her shoulders “There’s not much more to say, unless you’ve got some questions, but we’ll save it for home”. At that moment the pilot turned the fasten seat belt sign on and informed the passengers it was time to land. When they had landed and gotten their luggage it was close to noon so they stopped by the Java Web for some lunch and of course Ben took care of some business. After dropping of their bags Meg headed to the hotel to talk to Sarah and of course she too got straight into work. It was around ten p.m. when Meg finally got back home. She found Ben in the kitchen making some sandwiches “You’ve just arrived too?” she asked walking over for a kiss “Yeah, crazy isn’t it. Here we just got back from a week’s vacation and we both just throw ourselves into work” he smiled at her. He took her hand and lead her over to the stools at the other side of the kitchen island. “I know it’s been a long day for us both, but I want this over and done with. I know you said I could ask you anything if I was wondering and well I’ve been thinking a bit of this, mostly since you’ve been, well let’s say not really your usual happy self” he took a deep breath “You know, back then…” Meg looked up at him “When I had my miscarriage?” she asked “Yes, you didn’t suffer any harm did you, I mean I’d love for us to have our own kids more than anything, but if we for some reason can’t I’m not different to adopting. There are many kids out there that need good homes with loving parents” Meg leant forward and kissed him on the cheek before she took his hands “Ben, don’t you worry, to my knowledge there shouldn’t be any problems, but I’ve got my yearly examination coming up soon and I can ask to be sure” She got of the stool to get some cups for their coffee “Is there anything else you want to talk about in this subject, questions about me and John?” Ben shook his head “Then I really want us to close the subject and not bring it up again. To me this is something in the past that I probably wouldn’t have thought about if we hadn’t met John” Ben pulled her close for a hug “If you say so, but don’t go around thinking about it, please talk to me to instead” Meg smiled “How could I get to lucky to find such a nice and understandable man. I promise I’ll talk to you if I feel the need”
Spring came fast to Sunset Beach, the hotel had had a bit of down period between Valentine’s Day and Easter, but it was now back with all rooms booked at least for the weekends. Meg couldn’t really believe they had been so lucky already within their first year. It was now the beginning of May and Sarah had been ordered to cut down on work by the doctor or she’d have the baby early. Meg knew it was driving Sarah nuts staying home resting so she ordered a picnic basket at the Java Web and went to spend some time with her sister. She found Sarah sitting with her feet up and a sketch pad in her lap on the balcony. “Hey there” Meg said “I brought lunch” she showed off the basket “Great, I’m starving” Sarah put the pad down “What’s in it?” she asked curiously “A bit of this and that from the Java Web” Meg opened the basket and started to set the table. “What were you working on?” it was Meg’s turn to be curious, especially since Sarah had quickly put the pad upside down “Nothing really” Sarah answered and reached for some salad and out it on a plate, but Meg was quick. “Are you drawing a new house? Will you build a bigger house?” she asked when she saw the drawings. “Nah, we like this one. I was just bored. Maybe I can sell it to some architect” “I know you Sarah Evans, you’re not just bored, you and Derek’s have been looking at plots, haven’t you?” she looked her sister straight in the eyes and Sarah had never been able to lie to Meg. “I’ll tell only because you bring such lovely food” Sarah started to eat and told Meg all about the ideas and where to build if they decided to do so. Soon the conversation turned into work. “Oh by the way Sarah, do you know anyone in Scotland?” Sarah shook her head “No, why are you asking?” “There was this woman calling to book a hotel. She said she was from Scotland and asked if Sarah Evans was from Scotland or England” “What was her name?” Sarah asked “Annie… Annie Douglas” Meg said. “Can’t say it rings any bells, but Derek and Ben are from England, so maybe it’s some distant relative. Have you asked Ben about it?” Meg nodded “Sure, but he didn’t know anyone by that name either” “So, did she book a room?” Sarah asked “Yeah, arriving next weekend and staying for two weeks, maybe we’ll get an answer to the mystery then?” Meg took a sip of her drink.
The next weekend came, but neither Meg nor Sarah was at the hotel when Annie checked in. Annie was not travelling alone, she was going with her father Del and ‘mother’ Fiona. It had been almost two years now since her father had remarried. She loved Fiona like she was her real mother, although there was something sad about her that Annie never had found out. Something was strange with this trip though.
Sarah and Meg was busy decorating in Ben and Meg’s house. Today was Ben and Derek’s birthday, they were turning 32 this year. They had only invited their closest friends, but that was quite a big bunch of Sunset Beachers. “Ben” Meg called up the stairs “Are you finished? I need the shower too before the guests arrive” “Sorry” Ben walked out of his office “I’ve been working, but you can join me” he said and grinned “Hey Ben, no such talk in front of your niece or nephew” Sarah said “And you want me to believe that Derek never says stuff like that? I know my brother Sarah, you go home a bit and let me and Meg finish this” People started to dwell in around six and by seven the party was at full speed. The doorbell rang and Mark called out that he’d open it as he was closest to it. Outside stood a woman in her late 50’s “I’m looking for Ben Evans, this is his house isn’t it?” Mark nodded “Sure is, it’s his birthday today, let me see if I can find him, please come inside and wait here” he walked off to look for Ben who he found at the barbeque on the balcony “Hey Ben, there’s a lady at the door looking for you” “Who?” “I don’t know Ben, she just asked for you” “Ok then” Ben said and followed Mark but stopped in his steps. Mark noticed that he had stopped and looked at a shocked Ben “What’s wrong Ben?” “Find Derek and tell him to come to the kitchen”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Meg left her roses with her parents when she and Ben went back to Sunset Beach the following Tuesday. As much as she had been enjoying being ‘home’, she was happy to return. She longed to get back to work. “Something bothering you?” Ben asked “No” Meg shook her head “I just long to be home” Ben looked at her “Home in Sunset Beach of course” she smiled “I didn’t think I’d miss it that much” she said. “Meg” Ben took her hand “I have to say it or I’ll go crazy. I think we should talk when we get home. I’m not sure we got it all sorted Valentine’s day” she shrugged her shoulders “There’s not much more to say, unless you’ve got some questions, but we’ll save it for home”. At that moment the pilot turned the fasten seat belt sign on and informed the passengers it was time to land. When they had landed and gotten their luggage it was close to noon so they stopped by the Java Web for some lunch and of course Ben took care of some business. After dropping of their bags Meg headed to the hotel to talk to Sarah and of course she too got straight into work. It was around ten p.m. when Meg finally got back home. She found Ben in the kitchen making some sandwiches “You’ve just arrived too?” she asked walking over for a kiss “Yeah, crazy isn’t it. Here we just got back from a week’s vacation and we both just throw ourselves into work” he smiled at her. He took her hand and lead her over to the stools at the other side of the kitchen island. “I know it’s been a long day for us both, but I want this over and done with. I know you said I could ask you anything if I was wondering and well I’ve been thinking a bit of this, mostly since you’ve been, well let’s say not really your usual happy self” he took a deep breath “You know, back then…” Meg looked up at him “When I had my miscarriage?” she asked “Yes, you didn’t suffer any harm did you, I mean I’d love for us to have our own kids more than anything, but if we for some reason can’t I’m not different to adopting. There are many kids out there that need good homes with loving parents” Meg leant forward and kissed him on the cheek before she took his hands “Ben, don’t you worry, to my knowledge there shouldn’t be any problems, but I’ve got my yearly examination coming up soon and I can ask to be sure” She got of the stool to get some cups for their coffee “Is there anything else you want to talk about in this subject, questions about me and John?” Ben shook his head “Then I really want us to close the subject and not bring it up again. To me this is something in the past that I probably wouldn’t have thought about if we hadn’t met John” Ben pulled her close for a hug “If you say so, but don’t go around thinking about it, please talk to me to instead” Meg smiled “How could I get to lucky to find such a nice and understandable man. I promise I’ll talk to you if I feel the need”
Spring came fast to Sunset Beach, the hotel had had a bit of down period between Valentine’s Day and Easter, but it was now back with all rooms booked at least for the weekends. Meg couldn’t really believe they had been so lucky already within their first year. It was now the beginning of May and Sarah had been ordered to cut down on work by the doctor or she’d have the baby early. Meg knew it was driving Sarah nuts staying home resting so she ordered a picnic basket at the Java Web and went to spend some time with her sister. She found Sarah sitting with her feet up and a sketch pad in her lap on the balcony. “Hey there” Meg said “I brought lunch” she showed off the basket “Great, I’m starving” Sarah put the pad down “What’s in it?” she asked curiously “A bit of this and that from the Java Web” Meg opened the basket and started to set the table. “What were you working on?” it was Meg’s turn to be curious, especially since Sarah had quickly put the pad upside down “Nothing really” Sarah answered and reached for some salad and out it on a plate, but Meg was quick. “Are you drawing a new house? Will you build a bigger house?” she asked when she saw the drawings. “Nah, we like this one. I was just bored. Maybe I can sell it to some architect” “I know you Sarah Evans, you’re not just bored, you and Derek’s have been looking at plots, haven’t you?” she looked her sister straight in the eyes and Sarah had never been able to lie to Meg. “I’ll tell only because you bring such lovely food” Sarah started to eat and told Meg all about the ideas and where to build if they decided to do so. Soon the conversation turned into work. “Oh by the way Sarah, do you know anyone in Scotland?” Sarah shook her head “No, why are you asking?” “There was this woman calling to book a hotel. She said she was from Scotland and asked if Sarah Evans was from Scotland or England” “What was her name?” Sarah asked “Annie… Annie Douglas” Meg said. “Can’t say it rings any bells, but Derek and Ben are from England, so maybe it’s some distant relative. Have you asked Ben about it?” Meg nodded “Sure, but he didn’t know anyone by that name either” “So, did she book a room?” Sarah asked “Yeah, arriving next weekend and staying for two weeks, maybe we’ll get an answer to the mystery then?” Meg took a sip of her drink.
The next weekend came, but neither Meg nor Sarah was at the hotel when Annie checked in. Annie was not travelling alone, she was going with her father Del and ‘mother’ Fiona. It had been almost two years now since her father had remarried. She loved Fiona like she was her real mother, although there was something sad about her that Annie never had found out. Something was strange with this trip though.
Sarah and Meg was busy decorating in Ben and Meg’s house. Today was Ben and Derek’s birthday, they were turning 32 this year. They had only invited their closest friends, but that was quite a big bunch of Sunset Beachers. “Ben” Meg called up the stairs “Are you finished? I need the shower too before the guests arrive” “Sorry” Ben walked out of his office “I’ve been working, but you can join me” he said and grinned “Hey Ben, no such talk in front of your niece or nephew” Sarah said “And you want me to believe that Derek never says stuff like that? I know my brother Sarah, you go home a bit and let me and Meg finish this” People started to dwell in around six and by seven the party was at full speed. The doorbell rang and Mark called out that he’d open it as he was closest to it. Outside stood a woman in her late 50’s “I’m looking for Ben Evans, this is his house isn’t it?” Mark nodded “Sure is, it’s his birthday today, let me see if I can find him, please come inside and wait here” he walked off to look for Ben who he found at the barbeque on the balcony “Hey Ben, there’s a lady at the door looking for you” “Who?” “I don’t know Ben, she just asked for you” “Ok then” Ben said and followed Mark but stopped in his steps. Mark noticed that he had stopped and looked at a shocked Ben “What’s wrong Ben?” “Find Derek and tell him to come to the kitchen”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Starting over Chapter 27
Chapter twenty seven
Meg was sitting in the middle of her bed hugging a pillow. Ben sat down facing her. He put a finger under the chin and lifted her head up. Meg’s tears hurt him to the bone.
“Meg, what’s wrong, is there something you’re not telling me?” Meg looked apologetically at him “Meg there isn’t anything in the world you can’t tell me about. I love you Meg, no matter what happened in your past” Ben took her hands “You and John…” Meg looked up again “There is a past between you both isn’t there?” “Meg please tell me”
Meg got off the bed and walked over to the window. She looked outside, it had started to snow a bit “I guess we’ll have to spend Valentine’s day here, the weather doesn’t look so good” she stated. Leaning against the window sill she looked over at Ben and took a deep breath. “You’re right” she started “John and I have a past” Ben made efforts to get up “No Ben, I can’t tell if you’re too close” “I’ve always thought it was Tim who hurt you so bad” Ben said “Oh Ben it was. John never hurt me. Not deliberately” Meg turned to look outside again. “You see…” she started over “Tim and I grew up together, he was always around since his parents worked here at the farm. We played all over, in the barn, in the orchard. The summer before we turned twelve we kissed for the first time” Meg looked over her shoulder at Ben “It was this sweet young teen’s romance at first and it just faded out, nothing to it” she shrugged her shoulders “I met John in high school, it was his senior year and I was over the moon that he saw me, little farm-girl Meg” she thought back to the meeting this afternoon, John still looked as good as then, but he wasn’t handsome as Ben. “This was true love” Meg went on “Or at least we thought so. John was the captain of the football team and I was a cheerleader” Ben looked at her offering his embrace but she shook her head “You know all those American traditions with homecoming, pledging true love forever and so on…” she took a breath “So, it was in the middle of summer. My parents were away for the evening and John came by” Meg held onto her shoulders “We watched a movie, or at least we started to. Both of us were more interested in kissing really” Meg walked over and sat down besides Ben “What I’m going to tell you you’ll only be the fourth person to know, it’s only been, me, mom and John so far, if John’s not told anyone that is” Ben put his arm around her shoulders “You know you can tell me, I’m not judging you and I’m not telling on you either” “That evening I just told about, well the kisses led further and we ended up in bed. It was the first time for us both” Meg’s eyes started to tear up again “After that we took every chance we could get and one time we were too eager and…” she didn’t want to put it in words. “Well first I didn’t know what to think but then I had an early miscarriage and I understood what could have been” Ben pulled her closer and kissed her tears “I’m so sorry Meg, I wish I could take your pain away” they both sat there holding onto each other “Was that why John never came back you think?” Meg shook her head “No, I think he saw me and Tim when he was here that autumn. I know he was hurting when he left, and seeing me with Tim…. I guess he thought I had forgotten and moved on” Ben took Meg into his arms and held her tight and she let the tears come again. “I’ve not thought about it for years, meeting John made it come up to the surface again” she said as she rested her head on Ben’s shoulder. “Will you be ok with him coming for dinner on Saturday?” Ben asked concerned and Meg looked up at him “Yes, will you… now that you know it all?” Ben kissed her softly “We all have pasts, and there’s nothing we can do about that is there?” Ben stretched out on the bed towards the night stand where he took out a box and handed it to Meg “I thought I’d end off today with this, but it somehow feels appropriate to give it to you now” Meg took the box and opened it. Inside was a simple gold chain necklace with an angel hanging from it” “Oh Ben, it’s absolutely beautiful” Ben took it out to put around Meg’s neck “It was one of the things I brought back from England” he smiled and kissed her neck “Happy Valentine’s Day” Meg turned around to face Ben “Oh Ben, I’ve ruined the evening haven’t I, by telling you about me and John” Ben held her in his arms “Well I had thought we’d spend the evening in some other way, but I’m glad you trust me enough to tell” Meg hugged him closer “I feel so safe in your arms Ben” they laid down on top of the bed just holding each other and that’s how they fell asleep very early on their first Valentine’s Day together.
The bingo night went on just as Meg had predicted, she and Ben was presented to the whole town and then everyone wanted to know about her life in California. As meg saw how Ben loved this small town attention she didn’t mind that much. At one time thought when Ben told his st0ry again he lent towards Meg and whispered “I guess I know what you mean now about everyone wanting to know everything” But in all it was a lovely evening. The next day Ben kepy busy in the kitchen almost all afternoon, he and Meg hadn’t talked anymore since the other evening and being alone in the kitchen gave Ben a lot of time to think. Ben knew that Meg she that she could talk to him whenever she felt “Dare I enter?” Joan asked as she passed Ben in the door “Of course, but stay out of your pots” he joked “Promise” she held her hands up as in surrender “it smells lovely though and I’m curious what’s in them” Ben smiled secretly “That’s for me to know and you to find out later” Ben had asked Meg to help him set the table and about half an hour before the guests were to arrive the doorbell rang. Ben knew Hank and Joan were in the stables “Meg, will you open the door” he called even though he knew he was closest to it “I can’t leave the pots” Meg went to open the door and Ben walked over to he could see her. Meg ‘flatten’ her clothes just as she was ready to great guests but to her surprise there was a delivery man “Meg Cummings?” he asked “Yes” “I’ve got a delivery for you, if you sign here I’ll go get it” Meg didn’t know what to think and then she saw what the man brought over, it was one of the biggest bouquets of white roses she’d ever seen “You certainly are a lucky lady” the man said “These don’t come cheap this time of year” Meg reached for her purse to tip the man, then she wished him a nice evening. “Ben Evans” she called and found Ben standing in the door. She sighed “You’re amazing” she put the vase down and went over to kiss him “No Meg” Ben said when they broke the kiss “You are, happy belated Valentine’s Day” he smiled and looked her deep in the eyes. “Wow, where did these come from?” they both turned to see Joan looking at the roses. Meg beamed at her mother “They’re mine, Ben ordered them and they just arrived” “They’re your favorite” Joan said and Meg nodded and picked the vase up, she carried it into the dining room and put them on a side-table.
The evening was filled with laughter over dinner and dessert. Around ten thirty the young ones; Ben and Meg, John and Amelia left for the Buckaroo. Amelia had told that her parents both were inspired by Amelia Earhart and of course her brothers; one older and one younger were named Orville and Wilbur after the Wright brothers. That had made an easy topic to talk about. Amelia was a girl from the next county so around two in the morning they dropped her off and went back to Ludlow. Amelia had promised to come to church with the following lunch at John and his parents place the next day.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Meg was sitting in the middle of her bed hugging a pillow. Ben sat down facing her. He put a finger under the chin and lifted her head up. Meg’s tears hurt him to the bone.
“Meg, what’s wrong, is there something you’re not telling me?” Meg looked apologetically at him “Meg there isn’t anything in the world you can’t tell me about. I love you Meg, no matter what happened in your past” Ben took her hands “You and John…” Meg looked up again “There is a past between you both isn’t there?” “Meg please tell me”
Meg got off the bed and walked over to the window. She looked outside, it had started to snow a bit “I guess we’ll have to spend Valentine’s day here, the weather doesn’t look so good” she stated. Leaning against the window sill she looked over at Ben and took a deep breath. “You’re right” she started “John and I have a past” Ben made efforts to get up “No Ben, I can’t tell if you’re too close” “I’ve always thought it was Tim who hurt you so bad” Ben said “Oh Ben it was. John never hurt me. Not deliberately” Meg turned to look outside again. “You see…” she started over “Tim and I grew up together, he was always around since his parents worked here at the farm. We played all over, in the barn, in the orchard. The summer before we turned twelve we kissed for the first time” Meg looked over her shoulder at Ben “It was this sweet young teen’s romance at first and it just faded out, nothing to it” she shrugged her shoulders “I met John in high school, it was his senior year and I was over the moon that he saw me, little farm-girl Meg” she thought back to the meeting this afternoon, John still looked as good as then, but he wasn’t handsome as Ben. “This was true love” Meg went on “Or at least we thought so. John was the captain of the football team and I was a cheerleader” Ben looked at her offering his embrace but she shook her head “You know all those American traditions with homecoming, pledging true love forever and so on…” she took a breath “So, it was in the middle of summer. My parents were away for the evening and John came by” Meg held onto her shoulders “We watched a movie, or at least we started to. Both of us were more interested in kissing really” Meg walked over and sat down besides Ben “What I’m going to tell you you’ll only be the fourth person to know, it’s only been, me, mom and John so far, if John’s not told anyone that is” Ben put his arm around her shoulders “You know you can tell me, I’m not judging you and I’m not telling on you either” “That evening I just told about, well the kisses led further and we ended up in bed. It was the first time for us both” Meg’s eyes started to tear up again “After that we took every chance we could get and one time we were too eager and…” she didn’t want to put it in words. “Well first I didn’t know what to think but then I had an early miscarriage and I understood what could have been” Ben pulled her closer and kissed her tears “I’m so sorry Meg, I wish I could take your pain away” they both sat there holding onto each other “Was that why John never came back you think?” Meg shook her head “No, I think he saw me and Tim when he was here that autumn. I know he was hurting when he left, and seeing me with Tim…. I guess he thought I had forgotten and moved on” Ben took Meg into his arms and held her tight and she let the tears come again. “I’ve not thought about it for years, meeting John made it come up to the surface again” she said as she rested her head on Ben’s shoulder. “Will you be ok with him coming for dinner on Saturday?” Ben asked concerned and Meg looked up at him “Yes, will you… now that you know it all?” Ben kissed her softly “We all have pasts, and there’s nothing we can do about that is there?” Ben stretched out on the bed towards the night stand where he took out a box and handed it to Meg “I thought I’d end off today with this, but it somehow feels appropriate to give it to you now” Meg took the box and opened it. Inside was a simple gold chain necklace with an angel hanging from it” “Oh Ben, it’s absolutely beautiful” Ben took it out to put around Meg’s neck “It was one of the things I brought back from England” he smiled and kissed her neck “Happy Valentine’s Day” Meg turned around to face Ben “Oh Ben, I’ve ruined the evening haven’t I, by telling you about me and John” Ben held her in his arms “Well I had thought we’d spend the evening in some other way, but I’m glad you trust me enough to tell” Meg hugged him closer “I feel so safe in your arms Ben” they laid down on top of the bed just holding each other and that’s how they fell asleep very early on their first Valentine’s Day together.
The bingo night went on just as Meg had predicted, she and Ben was presented to the whole town and then everyone wanted to know about her life in California. As meg saw how Ben loved this small town attention she didn’t mind that much. At one time thought when Ben told his st0ry again he lent towards Meg and whispered “I guess I know what you mean now about everyone wanting to know everything” But in all it was a lovely evening. The next day Ben kepy busy in the kitchen almost all afternoon, he and Meg hadn’t talked anymore since the other evening and being alone in the kitchen gave Ben a lot of time to think. Ben knew that Meg she that she could talk to him whenever she felt “Dare I enter?” Joan asked as she passed Ben in the door “Of course, but stay out of your pots” he joked “Promise” she held her hands up as in surrender “it smells lovely though and I’m curious what’s in them” Ben smiled secretly “That’s for me to know and you to find out later” Ben had asked Meg to help him set the table and about half an hour before the guests were to arrive the doorbell rang. Ben knew Hank and Joan were in the stables “Meg, will you open the door” he called even though he knew he was closest to it “I can’t leave the pots” Meg went to open the door and Ben walked over to he could see her. Meg ‘flatten’ her clothes just as she was ready to great guests but to her surprise there was a delivery man “Meg Cummings?” he asked “Yes” “I’ve got a delivery for you, if you sign here I’ll go get it” Meg didn’t know what to think and then she saw what the man brought over, it was one of the biggest bouquets of white roses she’d ever seen “You certainly are a lucky lady” the man said “These don’t come cheap this time of year” Meg reached for her purse to tip the man, then she wished him a nice evening. “Ben Evans” she called and found Ben standing in the door. She sighed “You’re amazing” she put the vase down and went over to kiss him “No Meg” Ben said when they broke the kiss “You are, happy belated Valentine’s Day” he smiled and looked her deep in the eyes. “Wow, where did these come from?” they both turned to see Joan looking at the roses. Meg beamed at her mother “They’re mine, Ben ordered them and they just arrived” “They’re your favorite” Joan said and Meg nodded and picked the vase up, she carried it into the dining room and put them on a side-table.
The evening was filled with laughter over dinner and dessert. Around ten thirty the young ones; Ben and Meg, John and Amelia left for the Buckaroo. Amelia had told that her parents both were inspired by Amelia Earhart and of course her brothers; one older and one younger were named Orville and Wilbur after the Wright brothers. That had made an easy topic to talk about. Amelia was a girl from the next county so around two in the morning they dropped her off and went back to Ludlow. Amelia had promised to come to church with the following lunch at John and his parents place the next day.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Friday, November 4, 2011
Starting over Chapter 25
Chapter twenty five
The New Year’s party was a big success. It was the talk of town for the next week, all the time until people started to talk about Gaby and Ricardo’s wedding. In a very short time Meg and Gaby together with a few others had put together what hopefully would be Gaby’s dream wedding. Ben and Derek had gone back to England to wrap up the estate after their aunt. Of course Meg was missing him, but with her friends from Europe finally arriving and helping them to get settled she was more than busy. Today was one of the rare days when she had an afternoon all to herself and it hadn’t taken long before she had fallen asleep in a lounge chair on the balcony to the house. It was where Mark found her when he came looking for Ben. “Sorry Meg, I didn’t mean to wake you” he said apologetic when she startled sat up “I was really looking for Ben” he went on. “Oh, Ben’s in England, didn’t he tell you?” Meg sat up “To my knowledge he’s not coming home for a few days more, might even miss the wedding” she continued “My wrong then, I thought he’d be back today” Meg looked surprised at him “Have you talked to him?” “The day before yesterday, and then he said he was coming home according to plans today” After a brief moment Meg realized she had missed that today was a Saturday, the Saturday when Ben was surely returning from England. She got up from the chair “My mistake Mark, I’ve been working quite a lot to forget he wasn’t home, so I totally forgotten that he is coming today” Mark laughed “You two suite each other so well, true workaholics” Mark handed Meg a file “Could you give this to Ben, it’s the figures from the last two weeks and what we need to order on Monday since I’ve got next week off” he tried to look at Meg with a stern look “Unless someone I know I know when to take time off to rest up” Meg slapped him on the arm with the file “Mark Wopler, you’re unbelievable. But I love you anyway” Meg smiled “Don’t let Ben hear that” Mark said and rubbed him arm “He knows I love you, as a very dear friend and the best bartender/d j in this town” Meg opened the door and felt the chill from the aircondition coming at her. “Are you in a hurry?” she asked “Or you want to come in for some coffee?” “Coffee…. Coffee, man you can certainly play with a guy’s mind. I totally forgotten I was to start my shift at the Java Web five minutes ago” Meg burst into laughter “I’ve seen your schedules for that place, no one keeps track of any times, but you go ahead” she held up the file “I’ll give this to Ben when he arrives”
Just as Meg was to go inside she heard someone call her name “Hi there” she said to her friends and hugged them all as they came up to the terrace “Have you been to the beach today?” she asked even though it was obvious “Sure thing” Anja and Tina said at the same time “Can’t stay away” Jenn added “And I just love it, not a single chance of snow” Maria said. An hour later just as Meg was to let her friends out the front door the bell rang and not only once but twice “Hold your horses” Meg called and opened the door to a man with is arms wide open “Gosh, I’ve missed you Meg Cummings” he said and made Meg laugh “What? No hugs and kisses for your fiancé?” Meg shook her head “You don’t fool ME Derek Evans, you go and see my sister at the hotel and send Ben home to me” Meg’s friends stood astonished “How can you tell them apart?” Jenn asked curiously “Well for the first, Derek wears his hair differently than Ben and for the second he hadn’t even bothered taking off his wedding ring” The girls laughed “Have they tried this trick on you before?” Maria asked “Just once, but we didn’t believe them then either, they tried too hard to convince us that time, and call it strange but I get this special feeling whenever Ben’s close to me” “That’s because you’re soul mates” Tina said and then the firls left and promised to meet up at the Deep in the evening.
The wedding went off without any more problems and before soon it was Valentine’s day. Ben and Meg was off to Kansas for a few days. Ben had only been there briefly to ask for Meg’s hand a gesture that still made him the best son-in-law in Hank’s eyes, although Derek wasn’t that much in the dog house… after all he was the father of their first grandchild. The winter had started to loose it’s grip but there were still a lot of snow. Ben and Meg went for long walks every day. Of course Ben wanted to know everything about Meg’s childhood. “I bet this is a lovely place in the spring” Ben said one day when they walked thru the apple orchard “Yes it is, it’s all different kind of apples and different colours on their flowers” Meg snuggled close to him as the wind took off. “We used to play a lot here, it was far enough from the road, not that that’s ever been very busy” Meg said sarcastically “and far enough from the fields” I bet all your friends used to love coming here to play” Been looked her deep in the eyes “and boyfriends when you got older, I could easily have round a spot or two that was secluded enough” he teased. Meg thought back to the summer before she turned twelve, Tim had been there just as always mainly because his parents worked on the farm. They had been playing hide and seek with Sarah and just as Meg had ran by the tree Time stood behind he reached out and pulled her there too and kissed her for the first time. “Worth more of less than a penny?” Ben asked and woke her from the memory “Less” Meg said and wrinkled her nose. Ben knew all about Tim’s stunts around the time he and Meg was supposed to have gotten married, but not much more “Tim involved?” he asked “Mmm” Meg answered and took his hand. “Come along, I have to show off Sarah’s first masterpiece” she said and guided him to a big tree “This is almost all her doing, of course dad helped out, she was only ten by that time” Ben looked a bit surprised “Didn’t your brother build any tree house before?” Meg shook her head “He took care of the animals, I guess that’s why he’s the best veterinarian in the whole state” she said proudly. “Is it safe to climb up?” Ben asked curiously “Should be, dad’s always been looking after it” Meg lead him around to the other side where the ‘stairs’ was “Are you coming too?” Ben held out a hand for Meg halfway up the tree “You’re not scared are you?” he teased “No, of course not, it’s just that the last time I tried to get up there I fell and broke my arm” Ben looked sweetly at her “Poor you, I promise
that it won’t happen this time”
When Ben and Meg came back inside they were met by a lovely smell “There you are” Joan said “I almost thought you’d miss lunch” Ben walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek “Never Joan, if it wasn’t for our long walks I’d gain pounds from your home cooking” “And here I was thinking that old time flattery didn’t exist anymore” she laughed. Meg stood by her father’s side “Dad, shall I be jealous of mom?” she asked and Hank put his arm around her “No need Meggie, Ben only got eyes for you and besides he would have to fight me to get to her” the both snickered. They all sat down to eat. “Meg, I met reverend Anderson in town earlier and promised him to bring the cakes for tomorrow’s bingo, could you maybe bring them in?” Meg looked at Ben “We don’t have any plans and besides what is a trip to Ludlow without a cup of the special hot cocoa at Green’s café in the winter?” Joan smiled at her “Good and I have to warn you, I told him about you and Ben being engaged” Meg laughed as she started to clear the table “I’m considering myself warned” What Joan didn’t tell Meg was that it wasn’t the older reverend Andersson but his son that now served in Ludlow. Meg and John had been dating for almost a year at one time when she and Tim had been broken up. If it hadn’t been for John going off to college a lot of people in town had thought they’d end up together. But he had left and Tim hand been there to comfort Meg.
Meg borrowed her father’s truck since that was the safest car in this weather. Ben glanced at her “You know Meg, you look just as home here and now that you do anywhere in Sunset Beach” he put his hand on her though and Meg game him a quick glance, she knew how quickly an ice patch could turn up on these roads “So it’s bingo night tomorrow” Ben said “Oh, no!” Meg exclaimed “Why not, isn’t that what folks do around here?” Ben asked “Well… it depends” “Are your parents going?” “I guess” Meg hadn’t been to the bingo since before she was 15. Again she got lost in thoughts, that was the year when she had dated John and he was kind of obliged to be at the bingo and Meg wanted to spend as much time with him as possible “If I ask nicely?” Ben suggested “I’ve never lived in an American small town” he pouted “Oh Ben” Meg sighed “We’ll go then” she said and parked the car outside the community hall. As they came inside Meg called “Hello” but no one answered “I’ll just go put these in the kitchen” she said and went towards some doors like so many times before. This building held so many memories and she honestly didn’t know if she’d be able to sit thru an evening of bingo. “Hello, may I help you” Ben turned around to the voice.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
The New Year’s party was a big success. It was the talk of town for the next week, all the time until people started to talk about Gaby and Ricardo’s wedding. In a very short time Meg and Gaby together with a few others had put together what hopefully would be Gaby’s dream wedding. Ben and Derek had gone back to England to wrap up the estate after their aunt. Of course Meg was missing him, but with her friends from Europe finally arriving and helping them to get settled she was more than busy. Today was one of the rare days when she had an afternoon all to herself and it hadn’t taken long before she had fallen asleep in a lounge chair on the balcony to the house. It was where Mark found her when he came looking for Ben. “Sorry Meg, I didn’t mean to wake you” he said apologetic when she startled sat up “I was really looking for Ben” he went on. “Oh, Ben’s in England, didn’t he tell you?” Meg sat up “To my knowledge he’s not coming home for a few days more, might even miss the wedding” she continued “My wrong then, I thought he’d be back today” Meg looked surprised at him “Have you talked to him?” “The day before yesterday, and then he said he was coming home according to plans today” After a brief moment Meg realized she had missed that today was a Saturday, the Saturday when Ben was surely returning from England. She got up from the chair “My mistake Mark, I’ve been working quite a lot to forget he wasn’t home, so I totally forgotten that he is coming today” Mark laughed “You two suite each other so well, true workaholics” Mark handed Meg a file “Could you give this to Ben, it’s the figures from the last two weeks and what we need to order on Monday since I’ve got next week off” he tried to look at Meg with a stern look “Unless someone I know I know when to take time off to rest up” Meg slapped him on the arm with the file “Mark Wopler, you’re unbelievable. But I love you anyway” Meg smiled “Don’t let Ben hear that” Mark said and rubbed him arm “He knows I love you, as a very dear friend and the best bartender/d j in this town” Meg opened the door and felt the chill from the aircondition coming at her. “Are you in a hurry?” she asked “Or you want to come in for some coffee?” “Coffee…. Coffee, man you can certainly play with a guy’s mind. I totally forgotten I was to start my shift at the Java Web five minutes ago” Meg burst into laughter “I’ve seen your schedules for that place, no one keeps track of any times, but you go ahead” she held up the file “I’ll give this to Ben when he arrives”
Just as Meg was to go inside she heard someone call her name “Hi there” she said to her friends and hugged them all as they came up to the terrace “Have you been to the beach today?” she asked even though it was obvious “Sure thing” Anja and Tina said at the same time “Can’t stay away” Jenn added “And I just love it, not a single chance of snow” Maria said. An hour later just as Meg was to let her friends out the front door the bell rang and not only once but twice “Hold your horses” Meg called and opened the door to a man with is arms wide open “Gosh, I’ve missed you Meg Cummings” he said and made Meg laugh “What? No hugs and kisses for your fiancé?” Meg shook her head “You don’t fool ME Derek Evans, you go and see my sister at the hotel and send Ben home to me” Meg’s friends stood astonished “How can you tell them apart?” Jenn asked curiously “Well for the first, Derek wears his hair differently than Ben and for the second he hadn’t even bothered taking off his wedding ring” The girls laughed “Have they tried this trick on you before?” Maria asked “Just once, but we didn’t believe them then either, they tried too hard to convince us that time, and call it strange but I get this special feeling whenever Ben’s close to me” “That’s because you’re soul mates” Tina said and then the firls left and promised to meet up at the Deep in the evening.
The wedding went off without any more problems and before soon it was Valentine’s day. Ben and Meg was off to Kansas for a few days. Ben had only been there briefly to ask for Meg’s hand a gesture that still made him the best son-in-law in Hank’s eyes, although Derek wasn’t that much in the dog house… after all he was the father of their first grandchild. The winter had started to loose it’s grip but there were still a lot of snow. Ben and Meg went for long walks every day. Of course Ben wanted to know everything about Meg’s childhood. “I bet this is a lovely place in the spring” Ben said one day when they walked thru the apple orchard “Yes it is, it’s all different kind of apples and different colours on their flowers” Meg snuggled close to him as the wind took off. “We used to play a lot here, it was far enough from the road, not that that’s ever been very busy” Meg said sarcastically “and far enough from the fields” I bet all your friends used to love coming here to play” Been looked her deep in the eyes “and boyfriends when you got older, I could easily have round a spot or two that was secluded enough” he teased. Meg thought back to the summer before she turned twelve, Tim had been there just as always mainly because his parents worked on the farm. They had been playing hide and seek with Sarah and just as Meg had ran by the tree Time stood behind he reached out and pulled her there too and kissed her for the first time. “Worth more of less than a penny?” Ben asked and woke her from the memory “Less” Meg said and wrinkled her nose. Ben knew all about Tim’s stunts around the time he and Meg was supposed to have gotten married, but not much more “Tim involved?” he asked “Mmm” Meg answered and took his hand. “Come along, I have to show off Sarah’s first masterpiece” she said and guided him to a big tree “This is almost all her doing, of course dad helped out, she was only ten by that time” Ben looked a bit surprised “Didn’t your brother build any tree house before?” Meg shook her head “He took care of the animals, I guess that’s why he’s the best veterinarian in the whole state” she said proudly. “Is it safe to climb up?” Ben asked curiously “Should be, dad’s always been looking after it” Meg lead him around to the other side where the ‘stairs’ was “Are you coming too?” Ben held out a hand for Meg halfway up the tree “You’re not scared are you?” he teased “No, of course not, it’s just that the last time I tried to get up there I fell and broke my arm” Ben looked sweetly at her “Poor you, I promise
that it won’t happen this time”
When Ben and Meg came back inside they were met by a lovely smell “There you are” Joan said “I almost thought you’d miss lunch” Ben walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek “Never Joan, if it wasn’t for our long walks I’d gain pounds from your home cooking” “And here I was thinking that old time flattery didn’t exist anymore” she laughed. Meg stood by her father’s side “Dad, shall I be jealous of mom?” she asked and Hank put his arm around her “No need Meggie, Ben only got eyes for you and besides he would have to fight me to get to her” the both snickered. They all sat down to eat. “Meg, I met reverend Anderson in town earlier and promised him to bring the cakes for tomorrow’s bingo, could you maybe bring them in?” Meg looked at Ben “We don’t have any plans and besides what is a trip to Ludlow without a cup of the special hot cocoa at Green’s café in the winter?” Joan smiled at her “Good and I have to warn you, I told him about you and Ben being engaged” Meg laughed as she started to clear the table “I’m considering myself warned” What Joan didn’t tell Meg was that it wasn’t the older reverend Andersson but his son that now served in Ludlow. Meg and John had been dating for almost a year at one time when she and Tim had been broken up. If it hadn’t been for John going off to college a lot of people in town had thought they’d end up together. But he had left and Tim hand been there to comfort Meg.
Meg borrowed her father’s truck since that was the safest car in this weather. Ben glanced at her “You know Meg, you look just as home here and now that you do anywhere in Sunset Beach” he put his hand on her though and Meg game him a quick glance, she knew how quickly an ice patch could turn up on these roads “So it’s bingo night tomorrow” Ben said “Oh, no!” Meg exclaimed “Why not, isn’t that what folks do around here?” Ben asked “Well… it depends” “Are your parents going?” “I guess” Meg hadn’t been to the bingo since before she was 15. Again she got lost in thoughts, that was the year when she had dated John and he was kind of obliged to be at the bingo and Meg wanted to spend as much time with him as possible “If I ask nicely?” Ben suggested “I’ve never lived in an American small town” he pouted “Oh Ben” Meg sighed “We’ll go then” she said and parked the car outside the community hall. As they came inside Meg called “Hello” but no one answered “I’ll just go put these in the kitchen” she said and went towards some doors like so many times before. This building held so many memories and she honestly didn’t know if she’d be able to sit thru an evening of bingo. “Hello, may I help you” Ben turned around to the voice.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Starting over Chapter 26
Chapter twenty six
“If I ask nicely?” Ben suggested “I’ve never lived in an American small town” he pouted “Oh Ben” Meg sighed “We’ll go then” she said and parked the car outside the community hall. As they came inside Meg called “Hello” but no one answered “I’ll just go put these in the kitchen” she said and went towards some doors like so many times before. This building held so many memories and she honestly didn’t know if she’d be able to sit thru an evening of bingo. “Hello, may I help you” Ben turned around to the voice.
“You’re new in town” the man with the dog-collar said “I’m reverend John Anderson” he extended his hand “Ben Evans” Ben answered “So can I help you Mr. Evans”? John asked and Ben laughed “Sorry, I’m here with my fiancée, she’s in the kitchen” Ben pointed to a door in the wall “or there” he pointed the other way “We’re just dropping off some cakes for tomorrow” “I see” John said “You must be Meg’s fiancé, Joan said she’d try to get you to drop them off” Ben looked puzzled “To us she said she didn’t have time” the guys started to talk. Suddenly they heard a bump and a chair that fell over and Meg with is as she had been leaning against it. Both Ben and John ran towards her “Meg are you ok?” both asked “What happened?” John went on. Meg got up from the floor “Sorry I wasn’t expecting to see you there” she said to John. “Mom sent us over with some cakes for the bingo. Is your father here?” she asked as she still hadn’t seen the collar. John shook his head “No, he and mom are in the city, coming back tomorrow” Meg looked puzzled “Must be a short trip” “No, they left last week” John looked at Meg “Are you sure you’re ok?” “I’m fine, just mom said she met reverend Anderson this morning” Then John pointed to his neck “Yes she did” Blushing Meg started at him “You? When? Why? How?” the questions just flowed on “Why don’t we sit down” John suggested and Ben pulled a chair for Meg while John walked around to sit opposite. “You said that you couldn’t get away from home and church fast and far enough when you left for college” Meg unzipped her jacket “That was true, but then when I had been away from it a while I actually started to miss the lifestyle. I started to attend church again, re applied for other studies” he went on telling “Didn’t your mother tell you?” Meg shook her head “Was there something more that triggered your interest?” she asked and John had always been an honest person “Yes actually there was” he looked at her with sad eyes. Ben had been quiet the whole time, intrigued what was behind this story, obviously Meg and John knew each other well. “I came back that first autumn Meg” John said and Meg thought back, that was just when she and Tim ad started to date properly and like all teenagers had had a tough time keeping their hands of each other. “I’m so sorry” Meg said “I didn’t know you came back” John shrugged his shoulders “No big deal” “Must have been” Meg added “I never sae you then or anytime after either” “I then finished college, looked for jobs elsewhere, I didn’t want to come here and have to be the one marrying you and Tim, and it wasn’t until just before Christmas I came back home” John lent back in the chair “You see, dad wants to start thinking of retiring and he really wanted me to come back” Meg had almost forgotten that Ben was there “Sorry Ben, are we boring you?” Ben smiled at her “Not at all, I love hearing stories about your past” he took her hand and kissed it and then looked at John “So, have your family always held the church here in Ludlow” he asked “I mean since your father wanted you to take over” John rolled his eyes “Don’t ask him that question, you’ll get the full story but to my knowledge more or less for five generation including me that is” Meg put her hand on Ben’s arm “Shall we get going? I bet John’s got stuff do to” “I actually do, just a few more things” John admitted “I have a wedding this evening” “Maybe someone you know Meg?” Ben said intrigued. John had heard the stories about Tim and Connie “Well it’s Connie” he said “I don’t know if Meg told you about her?” Ben nodded “Too bad it would have been nice to see the church for a wedding” “Are you staying the whole weekend?” it was Thursday today “Yes” Ben answered “We’re not going back until Tuesday” “Then I hope to see you on Sunday and I can show you around after the service” Ben shook his hand they’d reached the door “That could be nice” Ben and Meg said bye to John and left, but before the door closed Ben turned around “John, what are you doing Saturday evening?” he thought about it “Nothing really” “Good, why don’t you come for dinner, bring your wife” “I’m not married” John said and that shocked Meg “Girlfriend?” Ben asked “Or a date if you like, and please bring your parents too, I’ve promised Joan to cook you see” Ben said and then looked at Meg “Is it ok with you, love?” “Sure” Meg said “Please come John mom and dad would love it” “Ok, I’ll com, is it ok that I tell for sure tomorrow, I don’t know what plans my parents have” “More than enough, it was really nice to meet you” Ben said and he and Meg got into the car.
The café was in the other end of town on their way back, otherwise it hadn’t had eny meaning to bring the car- Ludlow, Kansas wasn’t a very big place. Unless someone who knew Meg came up to talk to them Meg was pretty quiet and also in the car. Inside the house Ben helped her off the jacket before he took his own “Was I wrong to invite John. He seems like a nice person so I didn’t think you’d mind” “You’re right Ben, he is a nice person, I just felt sorry for him there a bit. I was sure he’d found someone to settle down with” Meg went into the kitchen. Her parents were out in the stables this time of day. She started to peel some potatoes and Ben walked over to stand behind her. Softly he stroke her arms up and down, but that was what made Meg burst into tears and run upstairs. Ben didn’t know what was wrong and before he could go after her Joan and Hank came inside. They started to ask about the afternoon and it was at least half an hour later when Ben entered the room. Meg was sitting in the middle of her bed hugging a pillow. Ben sat down facing her. He put a finger under the chin and lifted her head up. Meg’s tears hurt him to the bone.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
“If I ask nicely?” Ben suggested “I’ve never lived in an American small town” he pouted “Oh Ben” Meg sighed “We’ll go then” she said and parked the car outside the community hall. As they came inside Meg called “Hello” but no one answered “I’ll just go put these in the kitchen” she said and went towards some doors like so many times before. This building held so many memories and she honestly didn’t know if she’d be able to sit thru an evening of bingo. “Hello, may I help you” Ben turned around to the voice.
“You’re new in town” the man with the dog-collar said “I’m reverend John Anderson” he extended his hand “Ben Evans” Ben answered “So can I help you Mr. Evans”? John asked and Ben laughed “Sorry, I’m here with my fiancée, she’s in the kitchen” Ben pointed to a door in the wall “or there” he pointed the other way “We’re just dropping off some cakes for tomorrow” “I see” John said “You must be Meg’s fiancé, Joan said she’d try to get you to drop them off” Ben looked puzzled “To us she said she didn’t have time” the guys started to talk. Suddenly they heard a bump and a chair that fell over and Meg with is as she had been leaning against it. Both Ben and John ran towards her “Meg are you ok?” both asked “What happened?” John went on. Meg got up from the floor “Sorry I wasn’t expecting to see you there” she said to John. “Mom sent us over with some cakes for the bingo. Is your father here?” she asked as she still hadn’t seen the collar. John shook his head “No, he and mom are in the city, coming back tomorrow” Meg looked puzzled “Must be a short trip” “No, they left last week” John looked at Meg “Are you sure you’re ok?” “I’m fine, just mom said she met reverend Anderson this morning” Then John pointed to his neck “Yes she did” Blushing Meg started at him “You? When? Why? How?” the questions just flowed on “Why don’t we sit down” John suggested and Ben pulled a chair for Meg while John walked around to sit opposite. “You said that you couldn’t get away from home and church fast and far enough when you left for college” Meg unzipped her jacket “That was true, but then when I had been away from it a while I actually started to miss the lifestyle. I started to attend church again, re applied for other studies” he went on telling “Didn’t your mother tell you?” Meg shook her head “Was there something more that triggered your interest?” she asked and John had always been an honest person “Yes actually there was” he looked at her with sad eyes. Ben had been quiet the whole time, intrigued what was behind this story, obviously Meg and John knew each other well. “I came back that first autumn Meg” John said and Meg thought back, that was just when she and Tim ad started to date properly and like all teenagers had had a tough time keeping their hands of each other. “I’m so sorry” Meg said “I didn’t know you came back” John shrugged his shoulders “No big deal” “Must have been” Meg added “I never sae you then or anytime after either” “I then finished college, looked for jobs elsewhere, I didn’t want to come here and have to be the one marrying you and Tim, and it wasn’t until just before Christmas I came back home” John lent back in the chair “You see, dad wants to start thinking of retiring and he really wanted me to come back” Meg had almost forgotten that Ben was there “Sorry Ben, are we boring you?” Ben smiled at her “Not at all, I love hearing stories about your past” he took her hand and kissed it and then looked at John “So, have your family always held the church here in Ludlow” he asked “I mean since your father wanted you to take over” John rolled his eyes “Don’t ask him that question, you’ll get the full story but to my knowledge more or less for five generation including me that is” Meg put her hand on Ben’s arm “Shall we get going? I bet John’s got stuff do to” “I actually do, just a few more things” John admitted “I have a wedding this evening” “Maybe someone you know Meg?” Ben said intrigued. John had heard the stories about Tim and Connie “Well it’s Connie” he said “I don’t know if Meg told you about her?” Ben nodded “Too bad it would have been nice to see the church for a wedding” “Are you staying the whole weekend?” it was Thursday today “Yes” Ben answered “We’re not going back until Tuesday” “Then I hope to see you on Sunday and I can show you around after the service” Ben shook his hand they’d reached the door “That could be nice” Ben and Meg said bye to John and left, but before the door closed Ben turned around “John, what are you doing Saturday evening?” he thought about it “Nothing really” “Good, why don’t you come for dinner, bring your wife” “I’m not married” John said and that shocked Meg “Girlfriend?” Ben asked “Or a date if you like, and please bring your parents too, I’ve promised Joan to cook you see” Ben said and then looked at Meg “Is it ok with you, love?” “Sure” Meg said “Please come John mom and dad would love it” “Ok, I’ll com, is it ok that I tell for sure tomorrow, I don’t know what plans my parents have” “More than enough, it was really nice to meet you” Ben said and he and Meg got into the car.
The café was in the other end of town on their way back, otherwise it hadn’t had eny meaning to bring the car- Ludlow, Kansas wasn’t a very big place. Unless someone who knew Meg came up to talk to them Meg was pretty quiet and also in the car. Inside the house Ben helped her off the jacket before he took his own “Was I wrong to invite John. He seems like a nice person so I didn’t think you’d mind” “You’re right Ben, he is a nice person, I just felt sorry for him there a bit. I was sure he’d found someone to settle down with” Meg went into the kitchen. Her parents were out in the stables this time of day. She started to peel some potatoes and Ben walked over to stand behind her. Softly he stroke her arms up and down, but that was what made Meg burst into tears and run upstairs. Ben didn’t know what was wrong and before he could go after her Joan and Hank came inside. They started to ask about the afternoon and it was at least half an hour later when Ben entered the room. Meg was sitting in the middle of her bed hugging a pillow. Ben sat down facing her. He put a finger under the chin and lifted her head up. Meg’s tears hurt him to the bone.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Starting over Chapter 24
Please keep in mind this is a fiction story
Chapter twenty four
Ben woke up the next morning alone in bed. He found a note on his nightstand and read it “Ben, Last night was great, I didn’t want to wake you and I’ve got loads to do today. I’ll see you tonight. Love you always and forever, your Meg” Ben laid back and read the note once again, he stretched out and decided to get up and go for a run. The holidays had been hectic with Meg’s parents visiting and all parties so he felt it was time to get back into routines. As he entered the bathroom he saw something on the mirror. It was another note from Meg telling him she’d miss him and couldn’t wait to see him dressed up in his “costume”. Ben was happy Meg hadn’t insisted on anything out of the ordinary, like being characters out of some Shakespeare play so he had to dress up in tights but his tux and some fabulous masks instead. Derek and Sarah were to do the same too. He went to the phone and called his brother to see if he was up for a run and they decided to meet up out on the beach. More than one head was turned as they ran along the beach walk, this time of the year it was mostly tourists on the beach the locals didn’t like the winter weather. As they got back outside their houses they stopped to stretch after their run. They heard someone whistle “Hey good looking” a group of girls in their mid-twenties called “Hey there, happy new year” Derek called back. “Derek, don’t be such a tease” Ben pushed him so he lost his balance and the girls giggled. This was a routine they’ve always done as young. “I can’t help it” Derek replied and grinned “I’m just in a good mood” he said as he got up from the sand and brushed it off “This year’s been good to me” he went on and Ben was now quick to put his other foot down in the sand as he prepared for a counterattack from Derek. “It has, hasn’t it” he agreed “Who would have thought that one of our best business years would go hand in hand with finding us each a beautiful woman” They both laughed and had long ago forgotten about the young women. They said bye and went into their houses.
Ben showered and then headed out first to the Java web for some coffee and a quick check everything was ok. When he was done there he went downstairs to the Deep “Hi there Mark, already here?” he said when he saw Mark behind the bar “Well you know me, I want to have everything under control when I’m in charge” Ben walked over “Have I told you lately how happy I am to have you employed?” Mark laughed “You’re crazy Ben you know that?” Mark replied “Well I am” Ben was serious and reached for something inside his jacket pocket “Now Mark, don’t be your stubborn self and please accept this bonus from me” Ben handed him a check “You have done such a great job this year and I’m very grateful you’re taking care of things here tonight so I can be with Meg at the hotel” Mark looked at the check and then put it away “It’s New Year’s and I don’t want to argue so thank you Ben, you’re a very generous boss” they shook hands “Although I’m starting to regret agreeing to work” Ben looked shocked, a night like New Years were a great night for tips as people drank quite a lot and it also meant a lot of tips “How come?” “Haven’t you heard? Haven’t Meg told you?” Ben shook his head “Told me what?” Mark put down the bottles he had in his hand “The rumor has it she’s arranged for Bon Jovi to come play at the party tonight” Ben starred at him “No way, a band like that don’t play a small hotel New Year’s party” Mark shrugged his shoulders “Well that’s what the rumors says. She has been advertising for a big band playing” “She’s not told me anything, to be honest she’s been secretive about it” Ben thought about when Meg had quickly hung up the phone just before Christmas when he came into the room, back then he hadn’t given it much thought but again Meg had distracted him…. He grinned. “So Ben, what are you doing now?” Mark asked. “Just thought I’d check a few things in the office and then I’d head over to the hotel” Ben answered “Could you keep an eye on things here, I just wanted to pop out on a quick errand” Mark asked “Sure thing, the front door’s closed isn’t it?” Mark nodded “Great, you just go ahead and take your time”
A couple of hours later Ben left the office, wished Mark and the others who had arrived happy new year and went over to the hotel. He saw the lights were on in Meg and Sarah’s office so he went straight in. Meg was on the phone but motioned for him to come inside. Ben casually sat down on the corner of her desk. Meg hung up eventually and stood so she could kiss Ben “Mmm, that’s what I call a welcome” Ben said and held her close “I missed you this morning” He whispered as he kissed her close to her ear and down her neck “Sorry about that” Meg said “But I had tons to do here” Ben kissed Meg on that special spot on her neck he knew would have her surrendering “No Ben” Meg moaned. “I don’t have time” he covered her lips with his to quiet her and Meg did indeed surrender. They were still kissing when someone knocked on the door and entered “Meg” Ben heard a man’s voice “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb” he continued. Meg pulled away from Ben “No worries, come on in Jon” Ben turned around and to his astonishment he was face to face with one of the most famous rockers in the world. “Jon, let me introduce you to my fiancé Ben Evans” Meg said “Ben, this is Jon, he and his band are playing here tonight” Ben was totally taken by surprise as he shook his hand “Nice to meet you Mr Jovi” he said and then remembered “That’s not your name, sorry” Jon laughed “No worries you can call me Jon, Mr Evans” “And you can call me Ben” Ben said and looked at Meg “How?” his short question was “Contacts” Meg laughed “I’m sorry Anja isn’t coming” she looked at Jon “She and the others are stuck back in Europe due to the snow” he nodded “Yeah, I heard about that. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for our families” Meg smiled “That was the least I could do, I’m so happy you wanted to come and play here tonight” “It’s quite an unusual session, but we talked it over and thought it would be nice to do a different kind of show” Jon answered her. “So, was there anything you wanted” Meg just realized “No, I just wanted to say thank you and tell you that we’re all set” “Great” Meg answered “You all enjoy yourselves with your families for the rest of the day and I guess I’ll see you on stage tonight” “Looking forward to it, the kids are already down in the pool area having fun” Jon left the office and Ben pulled Meg back into his arms “You’re sneaky, are you sold out as well?” Meg nodded “Good, that way those who don’t come here can go to the Deep” Meg kissed him softly “Sorry about that, next time we’ll have something big on we’ll do it together” she untangled herself from his arms “I need to go check the kitchen, want to come?”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Chapter twenty four
Ben woke up the next morning alone in bed. He found a note on his nightstand and read it “Ben, Last night was great, I didn’t want to wake you and I’ve got loads to do today. I’ll see you tonight. Love you always and forever, your Meg” Ben laid back and read the note once again, he stretched out and decided to get up and go for a run. The holidays had been hectic with Meg’s parents visiting and all parties so he felt it was time to get back into routines. As he entered the bathroom he saw something on the mirror. It was another note from Meg telling him she’d miss him and couldn’t wait to see him dressed up in his “costume”. Ben was happy Meg hadn’t insisted on anything out of the ordinary, like being characters out of some Shakespeare play so he had to dress up in tights but his tux and some fabulous masks instead. Derek and Sarah were to do the same too. He went to the phone and called his brother to see if he was up for a run and they decided to meet up out on the beach. More than one head was turned as they ran along the beach walk, this time of the year it was mostly tourists on the beach the locals didn’t like the winter weather. As they got back outside their houses they stopped to stretch after their run. They heard someone whistle “Hey good looking” a group of girls in their mid-twenties called “Hey there, happy new year” Derek called back. “Derek, don’t be such a tease” Ben pushed him so he lost his balance and the girls giggled. This was a routine they’ve always done as young. “I can’t help it” Derek replied and grinned “I’m just in a good mood” he said as he got up from the sand and brushed it off “This year’s been good to me” he went on and Ben was now quick to put his other foot down in the sand as he prepared for a counterattack from Derek. “It has, hasn’t it” he agreed “Who would have thought that one of our best business years would go hand in hand with finding us each a beautiful woman” They both laughed and had long ago forgotten about the young women. They said bye and went into their houses.
Ben showered and then headed out first to the Java web for some coffee and a quick check everything was ok. When he was done there he went downstairs to the Deep “Hi there Mark, already here?” he said when he saw Mark behind the bar “Well you know me, I want to have everything under control when I’m in charge” Ben walked over “Have I told you lately how happy I am to have you employed?” Mark laughed “You’re crazy Ben you know that?” Mark replied “Well I am” Ben was serious and reached for something inside his jacket pocket “Now Mark, don’t be your stubborn self and please accept this bonus from me” Ben handed him a check “You have done such a great job this year and I’m very grateful you’re taking care of things here tonight so I can be with Meg at the hotel” Mark looked at the check and then put it away “It’s New Year’s and I don’t want to argue so thank you Ben, you’re a very generous boss” they shook hands “Although I’m starting to regret agreeing to work” Ben looked shocked, a night like New Years were a great night for tips as people drank quite a lot and it also meant a lot of tips “How come?” “Haven’t you heard? Haven’t Meg told you?” Ben shook his head “Told me what?” Mark put down the bottles he had in his hand “The rumor has it she’s arranged for Bon Jovi to come play at the party tonight” Ben starred at him “No way, a band like that don’t play a small hotel New Year’s party” Mark shrugged his shoulders “Well that’s what the rumors says. She has been advertising for a big band playing” “She’s not told me anything, to be honest she’s been secretive about it” Ben thought about when Meg had quickly hung up the phone just before Christmas when he came into the room, back then he hadn’t given it much thought but again Meg had distracted him…. He grinned. “So Ben, what are you doing now?” Mark asked. “Just thought I’d check a few things in the office and then I’d head over to the hotel” Ben answered “Could you keep an eye on things here, I just wanted to pop out on a quick errand” Mark asked “Sure thing, the front door’s closed isn’t it?” Mark nodded “Great, you just go ahead and take your time”
A couple of hours later Ben left the office, wished Mark and the others who had arrived happy new year and went over to the hotel. He saw the lights were on in Meg and Sarah’s office so he went straight in. Meg was on the phone but motioned for him to come inside. Ben casually sat down on the corner of her desk. Meg hung up eventually and stood so she could kiss Ben “Mmm, that’s what I call a welcome” Ben said and held her close “I missed you this morning” He whispered as he kissed her close to her ear and down her neck “Sorry about that” Meg said “But I had tons to do here” Ben kissed Meg on that special spot on her neck he knew would have her surrendering “No Ben” Meg moaned. “I don’t have time” he covered her lips with his to quiet her and Meg did indeed surrender. They were still kissing when someone knocked on the door and entered “Meg” Ben heard a man’s voice “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb” he continued. Meg pulled away from Ben “No worries, come on in Jon” Ben turned around and to his astonishment he was face to face with one of the most famous rockers in the world. “Jon, let me introduce you to my fiancé Ben Evans” Meg said “Ben, this is Jon, he and his band are playing here tonight” Ben was totally taken by surprise as he shook his hand “Nice to meet you Mr Jovi” he said and then remembered “That’s not your name, sorry” Jon laughed “No worries you can call me Jon, Mr Evans” “And you can call me Ben” Ben said and looked at Meg “How?” his short question was “Contacts” Meg laughed “I’m sorry Anja isn’t coming” she looked at Jon “She and the others are stuck back in Europe due to the snow” he nodded “Yeah, I heard about that. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for our families” Meg smiled “That was the least I could do, I’m so happy you wanted to come and play here tonight” “It’s quite an unusual session, but we talked it over and thought it would be nice to do a different kind of show” Jon answered her. “So, was there anything you wanted” Meg just realized “No, I just wanted to say thank you and tell you that we’re all set” “Great” Meg answered “You all enjoy yourselves with your families for the rest of the day and I guess I’ll see you on stage tonight” “Looking forward to it, the kids are already down in the pool area having fun” Jon left the office and Ben pulled Meg back into his arms “You’re sneaky, are you sold out as well?” Meg nodded “Good, that way those who don’t come here can go to the Deep” Meg kissed him softly “Sorry about that, next time we’ll have something big on we’ll do it together” she untangled herself from his arms “I need to go check the kitchen, want to come?”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010-
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ännu en donations katt till Hjärtekatten är klar!!
Såja! Då var jobbet igång och tyvärr påverkar det virkhastigheten. Vi har inte övermycket att göra, men man ska vara på plats och det blir ganska varmt i köket med spisar och stekbord igång. Men det är kul att vara tillbaka på Fritidsbaren.
Nu till mina hjärtekatter; den gröna sidan om "Vincent" är "Ann" materialet donerat av Ann Hedberg! Måste ju säga att de som donerar gör ett bra jobb med! Jag virkar så fort jag kan. Kommer att skicka in katterna när alla är klara.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Första bilden på mina hjärtekatter
Äntligen har jag blivit klar att fotografera. Från vänster till höger är Bandit, Grönis/Gröngöling, Viggen, Scania och Oscar. Lite historia; gjorde den gulröda och tänkte att den skulle heta Scania för att det är Skåne varifrån jag kommer då sa min bror när jag presenterade att nästa skulle heta Svea(gul och blå) att den gul och blåa borde heta Viggen pga SAAB... lite reklam där eller? Nä min bror är SAABtokig och en bra mekaniker så jag håller mig på hans goda sida och döper katterna till just Viggen och Scania. Oscar hittade jag just på, det är min systerson så jag får väl göra en Erika och en Sandra med så småningom. Dessa fem som är mina egna flankeras av en liggande Vincent som är en donationskatt donerad och namngiven av Jill Dahlström. Det kommer mer bilder så småningom så kolla gärna in här igen och glöm inte titta in hos Hjärtenkatten
Snart läggdags så Natti natt allihopa!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jag har utvecklat mönstret lite och gjort en bröllopstårta. Man behöver både en stor och en lite teljuskopp till detta.
Bröllopstårta runt PartyLite ljuskoppar 1 liten och 1 stor (eller annan plastkopp i samma storlek)
Välj själv om du vill sluta varven med en sm(börja då alla varv med en lm) eller virka "amigurumi" d v s runt hela tiden.
1. Lägg upp 2 lm och virka 6 fm i andra lm från nålen.(6)
2. (2fm i fm, fm i fm) 3 ggr.(9)
3. (fm i fm 2 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr.(12)
4. fm i fm, 2 fm i fm, (fm i fm 2 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm.(16)
5. (Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (20)
6. Fm i fm 2ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 4ggr, 2fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 2ggr.(24)
7. (Fm i fm 5ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (28)
8. Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 6 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 3 ggr. (32)
Virka nu i bakre bågen endast.
9-13. Fm i fm (32)
Virka i främre bågen endast.
14.(Fm i fm 7ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr.(36)
Virka i hela maskan.
15. Fm i fm 4 ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 8 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 4ggr.(40)
16.(Fm i fm 9 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr.(44)
17. Fm i fm 5 ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 10ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 5 ggr (48)
18. (Fm i fm 11 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr.(52)
Virka i bakre bågen endast.
19-25. Fm i fm (52)
Virka i hela maskan.
26. Fm i fm 6 ggr, hoppa över 1 fm (fm i fm 12 ggr, hoppa över 1 fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 6 ggr.(48)
27. (Fm i fm 11 ggr, hoppa över 1 fm) 4 ggr. (44)
28. (Fm i fm 5 ggr, hoppa över 1 fm) 7 ggr, fm i fm 3 ggr.(38)
29. Fm i fm 5ggr, hoppa över 1 fm (fm i fm 8 ggr, hoppa över 1 fm) 3ggr, fm i fm 5 ggr.(34)
30. (Fm i fm 16ggr, hoppa över 1 fm) 2 ggr.(32)
31. (Fm i fm 7 ggr, hoppa över en maska)4 ggr. (28)
32. Fm i fm 3 ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 6ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3 ggr, Fm i fm 3 ggr. (24)
33. (Fm i fm 5ggr, hoppa över en maska) 4 ggr (20)
34. Fm i fm 2ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 4ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3ggr, Fm i fm 2 ggr.
Stoppa i dina båda koppar gärna med bottnarna mot varandra så den lilla inte faller ner i den stora.
Fäst av med lång tråd så du man sy ihopa hålet.
Om man har en tunnare tråd kan man ev behöva virka ett extra varv vid v.11-15, samt vid varv 19-25.
Antingen dekorerar du innan du virkar ihopa runt den stora koppen eller så gör du det efter. I den bågen som är kvar i det översta varvet på båda kopparna fäst tråden( i avvikande färg) med sm, 3 lm hoppa över en m och sm i nästa varvet ut.
Blomma (7 st för lycka)
2 lm 5 fm i 2an m från nålen, fäst runt varvet men sm.
2 lm(el 3 om du vill ha större båge) sm i fm 5 ggr, fäst ihopa varvet med sm.
(Sm om bågen, 1lm)endast första bågen. I alla 5 bågarna (1fm, 1 stolpe, 1 fm), fäst varvet med sm. Lämna lång tråd att sy fast med. Sy fast blommorna där du vill runt om tårtan.
©Christina Mårtensson /
Ni får gärna dela med er av mönstret, men behåll min copyright på det.
Lycka till!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Virkade ljus
Virkat ljus runt PartyLite ljuskopp (eller annan plastkopp i samma storlek)
Välj själv om du vill sluta varven med en sm(börja då alla varv med en lm) eller virka "amigurumi" d v s runt hela tiden.
1. Lägg upp 2 lm och virka 4 fm i andra lm från nålen.(4)
2-3. Fm i fm 4ggr.(4)
4. 2 fm i fm 4 ggr. Byt färg(jag brukar dra igenom sista maskan med nya färgen.(8)
5. Fm i fm. (8)
6. 2fm i fm. (16)
7. (Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (20)
8. Fm i fm 2ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 4ggr, 2fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 2ggr.(24)
9. (Fm i fm 5ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (28)
10. Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 6 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 3 ggr. (32)
Virka nu i bakre bågen endast.
11-15. Fm i fm (32)
Lägg in din tomma ljuskopp. Och nu virkar du i hela bågen igen.
16. (Fm i fm 7 ggr, hoppa över en maska)4 ggr. (28)
17. Fm i fm 3 ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 6ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3 ggr, Fm i fm 3 ggr. (24)
18. (Fm i fm 5ggr, hoppa över en maska) 4 ggr (20)
19. Fm i fm 2ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 4ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3ggr, Fm i fm 2 ggr.
Fäst av med lång tråd så du man sy ihopa hålet.
Om man har en tunnare tråd kan man ev behöva virka ett extra varv vid v.11-15, d v s det blir 11-16.
©Christina Mårtensson /
Ni får gärna dela med er av mönstret, men behåll min copyright på det.
Lycka till!
Välj själv om du vill sluta varven med en sm(börja då alla varv med en lm) eller virka "amigurumi" d v s runt hela tiden.
1. Lägg upp 2 lm och virka 4 fm i andra lm från nålen.(4)
2-3. Fm i fm 4ggr.(4)
4. 2 fm i fm 4 ggr. Byt färg(jag brukar dra igenom sista maskan med nya färgen.(8)
5. Fm i fm. (8)
6. 2fm i fm. (16)
7. (Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (20)
8. Fm i fm 2ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 4ggr, 2fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 2ggr.(24)
9. (Fm i fm 5ggr, 2 fm i fm) 4 ggr. (28)
10. Fm i fm 3ggr, 2 fm i fm (fm i fm 6 ggr, 2 fm i fm) 3 ggr, fm i fm 3 ggr. (32)
Virka nu i bakre bågen endast.
11-15. Fm i fm (32)
Lägg in din tomma ljuskopp. Och nu virkar du i hela bågen igen.
16. (Fm i fm 7 ggr, hoppa över en maska)4 ggr. (28)
17. Fm i fm 3 ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 6ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3 ggr, Fm i fm 3 ggr. (24)
18. (Fm i fm 5ggr, hoppa över en maska) 4 ggr (20)
19. Fm i fm 2ggr, hoppa över en maska (Fm i fm 4ggr, hoppa över en maska) 3ggr, Fm i fm 2 ggr.
Fäst av med lång tråd så du man sy ihopa hålet.
Om man har en tunnare tråd kan man ev behöva virka ett extra varv vid v.11-15, d v s det blir 11-16.
©Christina Mårtensson /
Ni får gärna dela med er av mönstret, men behåll min copyright på det.
Lycka till!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Starting over Chapter 23
Chapter twenty three
It was the day before New Year’s eve and Meg was sitting at her desk working. Everything was set for the masquerade, well she had to rearrange a few things because her friends that were coming from Europe had been snowed in and they weren’t coming until a few days into the new year. She had just replied to the e-mail when the doorbell rang. She got up and opened the door and found Gaby there in tears “Gaby, what’s happened? Come on in” she stepped aside and led her over to the sofa. She poured them both some water and sat down next to Gaby “Now tell me what’s happened, is something wrong with Ricardo?” Gaby shook her head “No” she took a deep unsteady breath. “Here, take a sip” Meg handed her one of the glasses “Take a deep breath and tell me, it can’t be that bad” Meg smiled. Gaby gathered herself “It’s the wedding, it’s off” she said “What?” Meg exclaimed “The wedding planner took our deposit and just left and now I’m sitting here my wedding day 3 weeks away and I don’t have anything but my dress” Meg took her hands “Let’s talk about this calmly” she got up and took a notepad and a pen. She decided to try and lively the situation up a bit so she wrote down and read out loud “Gaby; check, Ricardo; check, wedding dress; check” and it made Gaby laugh “See I knew it wasn’t so bad. Now what was planned” Gaby shook her head “I don’t know so much as the planner had done most of the work, not to mention she had most of our wedding fund too so I’m on a tight budget now” “Where had you planned on having the ceremony?” Meg asked “Well… we both wanted the little chapel where Ricardo’s brother is the priest, but Lulu” she rolled her eyes “Isn’t the name screaming warnings?” she asked Meg “Anyways, she suggested we’d have it at this big fancy place where the reception was to be as well. Of course Antonio was disappointed” Meg looked at her “I’m sure he was, but I’m also sure there will be no problem getting him to marry you, I don’t think he’d have any other plans that day anyway” “Well Ricardo was going to go talk to him” “See, that’s one more thing on the list that we probably can tick off, and the reception you can have at the hotel” she wrote down ‘The chapel’ and ‘Reception’ “Is Ricardo working later on today?” Meg asked “No, it’s his day off” Gaby answered “Then why don’t the two of you come here late afternoon, let’s say around 4. We’ll sit down and sort it all out. I will bring some menus from the hotel and we’ll figure out a price that will suit your new budget” Meg suggested “Let’s top it all off with you both having dinner with me and Ben tonight?” “Oh Meg, you’re such a great friend” she smiled “Will you have time for this, I mean you’ve got your own wedding to plan” Gaby said “My own wedding Gaby, is in September… yours on the other hand is in three weeks” Gaby got up and hugged Meg “Thank you Meg” “I’m happy I can help” they walked towards the door “But Meg, you’ve got the big masquerade tomorrow, are you sure you’ve got time for us tonight?” Meg laughed “I wouldn’t have told you if I hadn’t had time. I will fix with what I need at the hotel now, send a few e-mails. My friends from Europe that will work here a bit are coming in a few days and let them know we’ve got this wedding to plan and see if they’ve got suggestions for the menu. And when we meet up this afternoon we’ll have much more to work with” she opened the door “Now go find Ricardo, sit down and write what you want to happen on your big day” Gaby hugged her once more “Again Meg, thank you so much” When Gaby was gone Meg got ready to get to the office.
Meg made her famous chicken casserole for dinner, and even though Ben hadn’t arrived home from his meetings Meg sat down with Gaby and Ricardo to eat when they arrived. After clearing off the table Meg started the coffee machine and they sat down to go on with the planning “So Ricardo, how did it go with Antonio?” Meg asked “It went well. The chapel is free and Antonio is thrilled to marry us” “What time will the ceremony be?” she asked and looked at them both. Gaby looked at Ricardo “Three pm?” she suggested “That sounds ok to me” he answered. “So is there any possibilities for you to maybe e-mail all your guests to let them know about the changes” Meg said “I hope your original invitations went out as they were supposed to?” Gaby nodded “Yes they did, but that was the only thing that went well” They went on with the plans and it wasn’t until it was dark Ben got home “I’m home” he called when he got inside “Who’s car is it on the driveway?” then he saw Ricardo and Gaby “Hi you two, I didn’t know we were supposed to have guests tonight. I would have hurried myself” Meg got up and greeted him with a kiss “I’ve tried reaching you, but I only got the voicemail on your cell phone” Ben raised an eyebrow “Forgot to charge it, the battery went out on the way this morning” “Anyways it’s nice to see the two of you” he sat down at the table and looked at the papers in different piles “What’s this?” “Our wedding, the one your fiancée so nicely have saved for us today” Gaby said. “Oh” Ben said surprised “Now you have to tell” and Ben was told the story and then he looked at Ricardo “That Lulu, didn’t you check her thru the system at the station?” Ricardo raised his eyebrows “I was baffled, she was a really good talker and everything sounded so great that I never went thru with it” “Well, it seems like you have made great progress here with Meg” he looked at all the different piles of paper. “Yes we have” Gaby gathered some of them and got ready to go home “I guess I’ve got a few things that I need to do tonight and tomorrow” Meg helped her “Yeah, but the most important is that you e-mail and or call the guests and let them know about the changes and then we’ll meet up in the next week and look thru some menus” she turned to Ricardo “Let me know when you both got a day or at least the evening off” “We will” he reassured her “Thanks again Meg, you’re a life saver” Meg smiled “Not really, I like to help my friends though” Ben closed the door behind them and turned to Meg “You’re giving Casey a run for his job” he grinned “Saving lives have always been his job” Meg gathered the coffee mugs “Well I guess this is a different way of life-saving” Meg stood at the sink rising the cups and plates before she put them in the dishwasher. Ben came up behind her hand put his hands around her waist “What do you say about making it an early night?” he nuzzled her neck. Meg turned around and put her arms around her neck “I’d love to, but I’ve got a tons of things to do” Ben continued his seduction “Ben Evans, don’t you start anything” she finally gave in to his kisses and was swept off her feet and carried up the stairs to their bedroom.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010
It was the day before New Year’s eve and Meg was sitting at her desk working. Everything was set for the masquerade, well she had to rearrange a few things because her friends that were coming from Europe had been snowed in and they weren’t coming until a few days into the new year. She had just replied to the e-mail when the doorbell rang. She got up and opened the door and found Gaby there in tears “Gaby, what’s happened? Come on in” she stepped aside and led her over to the sofa. She poured them both some water and sat down next to Gaby “Now tell me what’s happened, is something wrong with Ricardo?” Gaby shook her head “No” she took a deep unsteady breath. “Here, take a sip” Meg handed her one of the glasses “Take a deep breath and tell me, it can’t be that bad” Meg smiled. Gaby gathered herself “It’s the wedding, it’s off” she said “What?” Meg exclaimed “The wedding planner took our deposit and just left and now I’m sitting here my wedding day 3 weeks away and I don’t have anything but my dress” Meg took her hands “Let’s talk about this calmly” she got up and took a notepad and a pen. She decided to try and lively the situation up a bit so she wrote down and read out loud “Gaby; check, Ricardo; check, wedding dress; check” and it made Gaby laugh “See I knew it wasn’t so bad. Now what was planned” Gaby shook her head “I don’t know so much as the planner had done most of the work, not to mention she had most of our wedding fund too so I’m on a tight budget now” “Where had you planned on having the ceremony?” Meg asked “Well… we both wanted the little chapel where Ricardo’s brother is the priest, but Lulu” she rolled her eyes “Isn’t the name screaming warnings?” she asked Meg “Anyways, she suggested we’d have it at this big fancy place where the reception was to be as well. Of course Antonio was disappointed” Meg looked at her “I’m sure he was, but I’m also sure there will be no problem getting him to marry you, I don’t think he’d have any other plans that day anyway” “Well Ricardo was going to go talk to him” “See, that’s one more thing on the list that we probably can tick off, and the reception you can have at the hotel” she wrote down ‘The chapel’ and ‘Reception’ “Is Ricardo working later on today?” Meg asked “No, it’s his day off” Gaby answered “Then why don’t the two of you come here late afternoon, let’s say around 4. We’ll sit down and sort it all out. I will bring some menus from the hotel and we’ll figure out a price that will suit your new budget” Meg suggested “Let’s top it all off with you both having dinner with me and Ben tonight?” “Oh Meg, you’re such a great friend” she smiled “Will you have time for this, I mean you’ve got your own wedding to plan” Gaby said “My own wedding Gaby, is in September… yours on the other hand is in three weeks” Gaby got up and hugged Meg “Thank you Meg” “I’m happy I can help” they walked towards the door “But Meg, you’ve got the big masquerade tomorrow, are you sure you’ve got time for us tonight?” Meg laughed “I wouldn’t have told you if I hadn’t had time. I will fix with what I need at the hotel now, send a few e-mails. My friends from Europe that will work here a bit are coming in a few days and let them know we’ve got this wedding to plan and see if they’ve got suggestions for the menu. And when we meet up this afternoon we’ll have much more to work with” she opened the door “Now go find Ricardo, sit down and write what you want to happen on your big day” Gaby hugged her once more “Again Meg, thank you so much” When Gaby was gone Meg got ready to get to the office.
Meg made her famous chicken casserole for dinner, and even though Ben hadn’t arrived home from his meetings Meg sat down with Gaby and Ricardo to eat when they arrived. After clearing off the table Meg started the coffee machine and they sat down to go on with the planning “So Ricardo, how did it go with Antonio?” Meg asked “It went well. The chapel is free and Antonio is thrilled to marry us” “What time will the ceremony be?” she asked and looked at them both. Gaby looked at Ricardo “Three pm?” she suggested “That sounds ok to me” he answered. “So is there any possibilities for you to maybe e-mail all your guests to let them know about the changes” Meg said “I hope your original invitations went out as they were supposed to?” Gaby nodded “Yes they did, but that was the only thing that went well” They went on with the plans and it wasn’t until it was dark Ben got home “I’m home” he called when he got inside “Who’s car is it on the driveway?” then he saw Ricardo and Gaby “Hi you two, I didn’t know we were supposed to have guests tonight. I would have hurried myself” Meg got up and greeted him with a kiss “I’ve tried reaching you, but I only got the voicemail on your cell phone” Ben raised an eyebrow “Forgot to charge it, the battery went out on the way this morning” “Anyways it’s nice to see the two of you” he sat down at the table and looked at the papers in different piles “What’s this?” “Our wedding, the one your fiancée so nicely have saved for us today” Gaby said. “Oh” Ben said surprised “Now you have to tell” and Ben was told the story and then he looked at Ricardo “That Lulu, didn’t you check her thru the system at the station?” Ricardo raised his eyebrows “I was baffled, she was a really good talker and everything sounded so great that I never went thru with it” “Well, it seems like you have made great progress here with Meg” he looked at all the different piles of paper. “Yes we have” Gaby gathered some of them and got ready to go home “I guess I’ve got a few things that I need to do tonight and tomorrow” Meg helped her “Yeah, but the most important is that you e-mail and or call the guests and let them know about the changes and then we’ll meet up in the next week and look thru some menus” she turned to Ricardo “Let me know when you both got a day or at least the evening off” “We will” he reassured her “Thanks again Meg, you’re a life saver” Meg smiled “Not really, I like to help my friends though” Ben closed the door behind them and turned to Meg “You’re giving Casey a run for his job” he grinned “Saving lives have always been his job” Meg gathered the coffee mugs “Well I guess this is a different way of life-saving” Meg stood at the sink rising the cups and plates before she put them in the dishwasher. Ben came up behind her hand put his hands around her waist “What do you say about making it an early night?” he nuzzled her neck. Meg turned around and put her arms around her neck “I’d love to, but I’ve got a tons of things to do” Ben continued his seduction “Ben Evans, don’t you start anything” she finally gave in to his kisses and was swept off her feet and carried up the stairs to their bedroom.
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Starting over chapter 22
Chapter twenty two
Meg stood at the rail looking out over the beach and ocean, she sighed happily “Anything wrong?” she heard from behind and turned and looked at Ben “Not at all, it’s perfect. Couldn’t be better” Ben walked up and put his arms around her and he too looked out over the beach. Meg looked up at him “I was wrong, it could be better” Ben smiled at her “I love you Meg Cummings” he said and kissed her. Meg rested her head on Ben’s chest “I actually didn’t know that you could be this happy” “Apparently you can” Ben said softly and held Meg even closer. “Sorry to disturb” they both turned around and looked at Joan “We thought we’d go back to the house” “Ok mom” Meg smiled “Do you want any leftovers with you back?” Joan shook her head “Not even some turkey? There is a lot” she laughed “Ok then, I know your father likes some on the sandwich next day” They both went into the kitchen and fixed it all up and then Joan and Hank left. Sarah and Derek had gone back to their place earlier. “So, we’re all alone now?” Ben said and locked the front door “Do you want some more wine?” Meg shook her head “No thanks, I’ve had enough” she snuggled close to him “Why don’t we call it the night and go upstairs instead?” Ben grinned “That’s a good suggestion”
Meg woke up the next morning still in Ben’s arms feeling extremely happy. She rolled over and looked at Ben who was still asleep. Carefully she got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. He was still sleeping when Meg got out. She got dressed, wrote Ben a note and headed to the hotel. She had quite a lot to do so she could be by Ben’s side at the Boxing-day party at the Deep in the evening.
Ben woke up alone in bed “I guess Meg’s downstairs” he said and went down dressed in just his pajama’s bottoms and this robe open. He didn’t find her anywhere, but in the kitchen there was a note from her telling him she was at the hotel. The doorbell rang and with a cup of coffee in his hands Ben went to open it “Probably is Meg, with her hands full so she can’t open” he said to himself and opened the door with a sexy smile on his lips. “What a welcome” the woman at the door said. Ben put his cup on the shelf, pulled his robe together and got a hard look at his face. “Now, is that the way to great a guest?” the woman said “When the guest is uninvited it is. What do you want Maria?” “Can’t a friend come wishing Merry Christmas when she’s in town?” Ben was still standing by the door as Maria walked into the living room “I thought I made it perfectly clear that I didn’t want to see more of you than necessary” Maria’s mother was living in town and he couldn’t deny her the rights to go visit her, or her brothers. “But Ben” she pleaded “I just wanted to wish you and your girlfriend Merry Christmas” Maria looked around “Isn’t she here, or you’ve not let her move in?” she asked sarcastically as Ben had been reserved about letting her move in when they had been together. “Not that it’s any of your business but Meg’s her own woman and she comes and goes as she likes” he didn’t feel that he had to share more information with her. “Now I would like for you to leave, I’ve got things to do, places to be” Ben said and opened the door. Maria walked up to him and ran a finger down the opening of his robe “No matter what mood, you’re still sexy as hell Ben Evans” Ben ignored her and quickly closed the door behind her. He returned upstairs to put his jogging clothes on and then went for his morning run that usually cleared both his head and his mood.
Meg was busy at the office. The first thing she went thru was the bookings for New Years. She and Sarah had thru a friend managed to land a famous band to play and although it was a secret people had booked. There weren’t many tickets left and a lot of the people had booked rooms too. Of course the band would get the suits since they would bring their families. Meg couldn’t deny them that, it was after all New Year’s. There was a knock on the door and she looked up “Come on in Steve” she said “Everything ok at the front desk?” “Yes Miss Cummings” he answered “So what can I help you with?” Meg asked “Well… I’ve” he hesitated “That is, my girlfriend and I, we got some friends who’s also in college and well I was just wondering, could I buy four more tickets for the New Year’s party at the same price” he looked down to the floor. Meg laughed “But of course you can, didn’t you read the mail we sent out?” he shook his head “Well we decided that if there was tickets left we’d let you all have them for the reduced price if you wanted” “Thank you, you and Mrs Evans are very generous” Meg smiled at him “We can be even more generous if you all just learn to call us Meg and Sarah” Steve smiled back “I can’t talk for the others, but I will try” he turned towards the door “I better get back to work” “You do that, I will be out in a while when I’ve sorted this out” Meg pointed to the pile of papers she had on her desk.
It didn’t take long until the buzzer on the phone went off and Meg picked it up “Meg, it’s Steve at the front desk. There is a woman here that wants to talk to you” Meg was surprised “Who?” she heard Steve ask politely for a name and returned to the phone “Maria she says, shall I send her in?” Meg stood up “No, I’m coming out” Meg was curious; she didn’t know any Maria, at least no anyone who would be in California this time of the year. As there weren’t more than one person at the front desk it was easy to know who was looking for her “Maria I presume” Meg extended her hand “I’m Meg Cummings, what can I help you with?” she asked “Nothing really, I just wanted to see who the Kansas tramp that Ben’s picked up was” she started to walk by Meg but Meg was quick and grabbed her arm “There is no need for you to come in here and call me names when I don’t know who you are” Maria looked at Meg “You never heard of me?” she looked surprised “I’m the one who Ben was going to marry before you came along” she said superior. Meg looked at her “You’re kidding me, if you are the one who you says you are Ben never had any intention of ever marrying you and don’t come here and try to say that it’s my fault you two broke up. I know that Ben was cheated on by you and he was very hurt. So don’t you try anything. In fact consider this a warning, if you ever come here again acting like this again you can consider yourself bared” Meg nodded towards a guard “Please follow this woman to the door, she’s warned” Meg looked at Steve who looked terrified “This is not your fault at all, you did the right thing” she said with a smile “If you want anything I’ll be in the office”
Meg was still boiling when she got home, not so much about Maria now but that she had let her get to her that easy. She found a note from Ben on the shelf when she put her door keys down. He had gone to the Deep to see so that all things were ok. Meg went upstairs and took a shower, then she braided her hair as she knew she would get a nice volume to work with for a nice hairdo in the evening. When she was dressed she walked over to catch up a bit with her parents.
“Wow” Ben said as Meg walked down the stairs “I’m the luckiest man alive” Meg was dressed in a blue dress that glittered. She had her hair lose with just a few combs in it to keep it back. “You look” he took a deep breath “wonderful” he came towards her and offered his hand for the last steps. “Thank you” Meg smiled “You look very handsome yourself this evening Mr Evans” he was wearing his tux “Well it is the dress code for this event since your party on New Years is a masquerade and I don’t get to wear it then” Meg looked surprised at him “I thought all men hated getting dressed up” Ben laughed “I didn’t say I love it, but how could I not dress up when I’m getting the most beautiful woman in Sunset Beach on my arm. Are you ready to leave?” he asked. “Yes I am” she said and put her keys in her purse.
The club was full of happy people partying when Ben and Meg arrived. Of course Ben had to check on a few things and Meg went to talk to a few friends. Meg, Gaby and Caitlin was standing by the bar talking when Meg suddenly said “I don’t believe it” Both Caitlin and Gaby turned around to look what Meg was looking at “What do you mean?” Caitlin asked “Him” Meg pointed “Tim Truman” Gaby looked at Meg “Do you know Tim?” Meg nodded “How?” she asked and Meg rolled her eyes “Don’t get me started” “Now you have to tell” Caitlin filled in “To make a long story short, Tim’s my ex-fiancé and I don’t feel like talking about it” “You and Tim???” Gaby exclaimed “Then you won’t be happy when I tell you that Tim’s involved with Maria, my sister-in-law to be” Meg just stood there thinking, she hadn’t really made the connection earlier that day “Oh no, I had a run-in with her earlier today” Meg turned towards the bar and the other two went to stand on one side each of her “What did she get up to now?” Gaby asked “I know Maria’s been known to stir up trouble from now and then” Meg just shook her head “She was just talking about how I broke her and Ben up and so on…” “I’m so sorry about that Meg” Gaby put a hand on her shoulder “Oh Gaby, it’s not your fault, you can’t help how she acts” “She’s changed so much the last few years” Caitlin filled in “We went to school together and then she was a nice girl, I don’t know what or when but something happened and now she’s really bitchy” she continued. “Bitchy was the word, I’ve never met anyone like her before. But she and Tim can suite each other” Meg said and turned to the bar to take her glass “But let’s not talk about them, we’re here to have fun”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010
Meg stood at the rail looking out over the beach and ocean, she sighed happily “Anything wrong?” she heard from behind and turned and looked at Ben “Not at all, it’s perfect. Couldn’t be better” Ben walked up and put his arms around her and he too looked out over the beach. Meg looked up at him “I was wrong, it could be better” Ben smiled at her “I love you Meg Cummings” he said and kissed her. Meg rested her head on Ben’s chest “I actually didn’t know that you could be this happy” “Apparently you can” Ben said softly and held Meg even closer. “Sorry to disturb” they both turned around and looked at Joan “We thought we’d go back to the house” “Ok mom” Meg smiled “Do you want any leftovers with you back?” Joan shook her head “Not even some turkey? There is a lot” she laughed “Ok then, I know your father likes some on the sandwich next day” They both went into the kitchen and fixed it all up and then Joan and Hank left. Sarah and Derek had gone back to their place earlier. “So, we’re all alone now?” Ben said and locked the front door “Do you want some more wine?” Meg shook her head “No thanks, I’ve had enough” she snuggled close to him “Why don’t we call it the night and go upstairs instead?” Ben grinned “That’s a good suggestion”
Meg woke up the next morning still in Ben’s arms feeling extremely happy. She rolled over and looked at Ben who was still asleep. Carefully she got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. He was still sleeping when Meg got out. She got dressed, wrote Ben a note and headed to the hotel. She had quite a lot to do so she could be by Ben’s side at the Boxing-day party at the Deep in the evening.
Ben woke up alone in bed “I guess Meg’s downstairs” he said and went down dressed in just his pajama’s bottoms and this robe open. He didn’t find her anywhere, but in the kitchen there was a note from her telling him she was at the hotel. The doorbell rang and with a cup of coffee in his hands Ben went to open it “Probably is Meg, with her hands full so she can’t open” he said to himself and opened the door with a sexy smile on his lips. “What a welcome” the woman at the door said. Ben put his cup on the shelf, pulled his robe together and got a hard look at his face. “Now, is that the way to great a guest?” the woman said “When the guest is uninvited it is. What do you want Maria?” “Can’t a friend come wishing Merry Christmas when she’s in town?” Ben was still standing by the door as Maria walked into the living room “I thought I made it perfectly clear that I didn’t want to see more of you than necessary” Maria’s mother was living in town and he couldn’t deny her the rights to go visit her, or her brothers. “But Ben” she pleaded “I just wanted to wish you and your girlfriend Merry Christmas” Maria looked around “Isn’t she here, or you’ve not let her move in?” she asked sarcastically as Ben had been reserved about letting her move in when they had been together. “Not that it’s any of your business but Meg’s her own woman and she comes and goes as she likes” he didn’t feel that he had to share more information with her. “Now I would like for you to leave, I’ve got things to do, places to be” Ben said and opened the door. Maria walked up to him and ran a finger down the opening of his robe “No matter what mood, you’re still sexy as hell Ben Evans” Ben ignored her and quickly closed the door behind her. He returned upstairs to put his jogging clothes on and then went for his morning run that usually cleared both his head and his mood.
Meg was busy at the office. The first thing she went thru was the bookings for New Years. She and Sarah had thru a friend managed to land a famous band to play and although it was a secret people had booked. There weren’t many tickets left and a lot of the people had booked rooms too. Of course the band would get the suits since they would bring their families. Meg couldn’t deny them that, it was after all New Year’s. There was a knock on the door and she looked up “Come on in Steve” she said “Everything ok at the front desk?” “Yes Miss Cummings” he answered “So what can I help you with?” Meg asked “Well… I’ve” he hesitated “That is, my girlfriend and I, we got some friends who’s also in college and well I was just wondering, could I buy four more tickets for the New Year’s party at the same price” he looked down to the floor. Meg laughed “But of course you can, didn’t you read the mail we sent out?” he shook his head “Well we decided that if there was tickets left we’d let you all have them for the reduced price if you wanted” “Thank you, you and Mrs Evans are very generous” Meg smiled at him “We can be even more generous if you all just learn to call us Meg and Sarah” Steve smiled back “I can’t talk for the others, but I will try” he turned towards the door “I better get back to work” “You do that, I will be out in a while when I’ve sorted this out” Meg pointed to the pile of papers she had on her desk.
It didn’t take long until the buzzer on the phone went off and Meg picked it up “Meg, it’s Steve at the front desk. There is a woman here that wants to talk to you” Meg was surprised “Who?” she heard Steve ask politely for a name and returned to the phone “Maria she says, shall I send her in?” Meg stood up “No, I’m coming out” Meg was curious; she didn’t know any Maria, at least no anyone who would be in California this time of the year. As there weren’t more than one person at the front desk it was easy to know who was looking for her “Maria I presume” Meg extended her hand “I’m Meg Cummings, what can I help you with?” she asked “Nothing really, I just wanted to see who the Kansas tramp that Ben’s picked up was” she started to walk by Meg but Meg was quick and grabbed her arm “There is no need for you to come in here and call me names when I don’t know who you are” Maria looked at Meg “You never heard of me?” she looked surprised “I’m the one who Ben was going to marry before you came along” she said superior. Meg looked at her “You’re kidding me, if you are the one who you says you are Ben never had any intention of ever marrying you and don’t come here and try to say that it’s my fault you two broke up. I know that Ben was cheated on by you and he was very hurt. So don’t you try anything. In fact consider this a warning, if you ever come here again acting like this again you can consider yourself bared” Meg nodded towards a guard “Please follow this woman to the door, she’s warned” Meg looked at Steve who looked terrified “This is not your fault at all, you did the right thing” she said with a smile “If you want anything I’ll be in the office”
Meg was still boiling when she got home, not so much about Maria now but that she had let her get to her that easy. She found a note from Ben on the shelf when she put her door keys down. He had gone to the Deep to see so that all things were ok. Meg went upstairs and took a shower, then she braided her hair as she knew she would get a nice volume to work with for a nice hairdo in the evening. When she was dressed she walked over to catch up a bit with her parents.
“Wow” Ben said as Meg walked down the stairs “I’m the luckiest man alive” Meg was dressed in a blue dress that glittered. She had her hair lose with just a few combs in it to keep it back. “You look” he took a deep breath “wonderful” he came towards her and offered his hand for the last steps. “Thank you” Meg smiled “You look very handsome yourself this evening Mr Evans” he was wearing his tux “Well it is the dress code for this event since your party on New Years is a masquerade and I don’t get to wear it then” Meg looked surprised at him “I thought all men hated getting dressed up” Ben laughed “I didn’t say I love it, but how could I not dress up when I’m getting the most beautiful woman in Sunset Beach on my arm. Are you ready to leave?” he asked. “Yes I am” she said and put her keys in her purse.
The club was full of happy people partying when Ben and Meg arrived. Of course Ben had to check on a few things and Meg went to talk to a few friends. Meg, Gaby and Caitlin was standing by the bar talking when Meg suddenly said “I don’t believe it” Both Caitlin and Gaby turned around to look what Meg was looking at “What do you mean?” Caitlin asked “Him” Meg pointed “Tim Truman” Gaby looked at Meg “Do you know Tim?” Meg nodded “How?” she asked and Meg rolled her eyes “Don’t get me started” “Now you have to tell” Caitlin filled in “To make a long story short, Tim’s my ex-fiancé and I don’t feel like talking about it” “You and Tim???” Gaby exclaimed “Then you won’t be happy when I tell you that Tim’s involved with Maria, my sister-in-law to be” Meg just stood there thinking, she hadn’t really made the connection earlier that day “Oh no, I had a run-in with her earlier today” Meg turned towards the bar and the other two went to stand on one side each of her “What did she get up to now?” Gaby asked “I know Maria’s been known to stir up trouble from now and then” Meg just shook her head “She was just talking about how I broke her and Ben up and so on…” “I’m so sorry about that Meg” Gaby put a hand on her shoulder “Oh Gaby, it’s not your fault, you can’t help how she acts” “She’s changed so much the last few years” Caitlin filled in “We went to school together and then she was a nice girl, I don’t know what or when but something happened and now she’s really bitchy” she continued. “Bitchy was the word, I’ve never met anyone like her before. But she and Tim can suite each other” Meg said and turned to the bar to take her glass “But let’s not talk about them, we’re here to have fun”
All connections to Sunset Beach, any other soaps/series and real life characters are purely for your pleasure.
© 2010
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